La campaña #YoMeMuevoEnCasa del CSD y el Consejo COLEF recuerda la importancia de mantener un estilo de vida activo durante el estado de alarma
Madrid, 18 March 2020.- The High Council of sports (CSD) and the General Council of physical education and sports (COLEF) have launched the campaign on social networks # YoMeMuevoEnCasa to promote the activity and physical exercise in households during the days of the state of alarm decreed after the extension of COVID-19 in our country.
Thanks to this initiative will be disseminated a series of recommendations with simple activities and suitable for different ages and physical conditions. messages will invite exercises with elements that are part of our daily lives and to the creation of a regular routine habits assets.
The campaign recalls that extended stay at home can allow exercises with elements of our daily lives and with our own weight to enhance qualities as a force or coordination and, moreover, doing so in family.
Likewise, it is advisable to reduce the time of exposure to the screen at all ages through a regular routine habits assets or with alternatives such as dancing or the game in movement with challenges of balance or skill.
With this campaign, the CSD and the council COLEF, body representing the Official Colleges Sports Physical educators in spain, joined to the initiative # YoMeQuedoEnCasa and highlight the importance of remaining assets to avoid the effects of physical inactivity caused by the state of health alerts.
The High Council of sports recommends that, in order to maintain our usual physical activity or discover the benefits of exercise in our houses, you should always follow the recommendations of health authorities, and specifically those offered by qualified professionals.