Training course for teachers
Thanks to a collaboration agreement between the CSD and the women's institute and to equal opportunities has been createdtraining course to teachers and trainers in order to increase their thematic training in gender mainstreaming and equality.
The objectives sought to achieve:
- Analyse terminology related to co-education.
- To know the current status of the practice of physical activity in the girls and boys and analyse internal and external factors that may contribute.
- Identify within the school environment the elements that we can improve for the equalization of opportunities in physical education classes.
- Learn and develop strategies for working in physical education classes designed to achieve equality of opportunity between the sexes.
- Didactic set objectives that promote coeducation.
- Designing driving situations promote equal opportunities for girls and boys.
- Learn how to use a methodology that would facilitate the communication, and the interest of all pupils.
- Implementation of evaluation systems that take into account the individual characteristics of girls and boys.