Sport Director Inclusive Plan 2020

TheSport Director Inclusive Plan 2020is the result of the joint work of the officers of Sport inclusive, working groupled by the High Council of sports and composed of the agents of promotion and management of sports and disability, both public and private.

Since its formation on 23 October 2018,Inclusive Sport table (MDI)has been working in the study of situation of sport for disabled persons as well as the development of a road map or a strategic lines of sport inclusive in the Spanish sport system, whose ultimate goal is to achieve an integrated model of sport in which accommodates all persons with and without disabilities and provide the necessary backing for that such inclusion takes place in equal opportunities.

Within the framework of this road map, all members of the MDI have been invited to propose those actions which deem relevant and that can shape a master Plan of action with an initial time horizon of one year, and which can lead to a later planning to four years. The main actions that are part of the Master Plan of Action have been sorted into four major groups:proceedings of training, financing, policy and outreach.

With this initiative,the High Council of sports seeks to generate a sports model own, emfatitzant especialment disabled persons and using the existing sports organizations to chart a common way, whose final aim is to reach an integrated model of sport in which accommodates all persons with and without disabilities and provide the necessary backing for that such inclusion takes place in equal opportunities.

The launch of this roadmap forthe development of Inclusive Sport Programme is only possible with the support of all the agents involved in both the public and privatethat will act as a key driver to enhance the different proposals of the program.

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