Basketball BLC


The playing field is a rectangle of dimensions 28 m x 15 m measured from the inside edge of the contours lines for both national and international competitions as for fields of new construction.

The Spanish Federation of Basketball may adopt other fields with minimum size of 26 m x 14 m


Around the game field will have a space of 2 m wide free of obstacles.


The route of the field will be consistent with figures:

The brands will have 5 cm width and will be all the same color preferably white.

All lines are part of the surface that delimit except the perimeter lines that are exterior.


Will be 7 m at least on the field and external gangs.


The longitudinal axis of the field in outdoor facilities will be N-S admit a variation between N-NE and N-NO.


Artificial lighting is uniform and so that does not hinder the vision of the players, arbitral equipment or spectators. Mark the standard UNE-EN 12193 "Illumination of sports facilities" and will have the following minimum levels of illumination:


Horizontal illuminance

And med (lux)

And min / E med
International competitions FIBA level 1 and 2 (I) 1.5 0.7
International and national competitions 750 0.7
Regional competitions, training high level 500 0.7
Local competitions, training, use in schools and recreational 200


(I) measured at 1.50 m above the playground

The luminaires should not be placed in the part of the roof corresponding to a 4 metres circle around the basket to avoid deslumbramientos.

For TV broadcasts of color and recording movies requires a vertical illuminance levels of at least 800 lux, however this value can increase with distance from the camera to the object. For more information should consult the mentioned law.

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(outside)Image removed.

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Horizontal illuminance

And med (luxImage removed.
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And min / E medImage removed.
International and national competitions 500 0.7
Regional competitions, training high level 200 0.6
Local competitions, training, use in schools and recreational 75 0.5


The tiles are suitable wooden or synthetic. rigid Pavements are not desirable. minimum Will be using the following criteria:

- Wooden fixed or removable for high-level competition FIBA and national.

Synthetic - fixed or removable for competitions not included in the above, for training and use in schools and recreational. The pavement sporty mark the following requirements according to the report UNE 41958 IN "sporting Pavements": Requirements:

Impact absorption

(Force reduction)

VFG ³ 50% VFG ³ 35% VFG ³ 20% International competitions national and regional Competitions Ambito local, Arcade, school


StV £3mm StV £5mm Wood synthetic
Friction 0.4 £M £0.8
Planeidad Differences in levels below 3 mm measured with rule of 3 m (1 / 1000)
Ball pot ³ 90% Compared to the height of pot in soil rigid
Resistance to impacts Without fissures, cracks or deformations over 0.5 mm for impacts of 8 Nm
Resistance to mark Without fissures, cracks or deformations over 0.5 mm to 24 h. for testing
Mobile burdens Without fissures, cracks or deformations over 0.5 mm for loads of 1500 N (wood) or to load of 1000 N (synthetic)
Resistance to abrasion Maximum weight loss: 3 grams per 1,000 revolutions (synthetic)
Thickness Verification of or thickness of layers, offered by the manufacturer or installer, according to the standard UNE in 1969
Fire resistance M3 (UNE 23727)

The FIBA requires the pavement sporty meet the standard For German DIN 18032-2 external tracks in addition to the previous mark the following requirements:

Awaiting evacuation Maximum Transversal and 1%
Resistance to traction (synthetic) ³ 400 KPa
Elongation of breakage (synthetic)
Drainage (moisturizing Pavements) Coefficient of infiltration > 50 mm / h


Basketball equipment will consist of the board, the hoop, network and support from the board. Mark the official rules of the Spanish Federation of Basketball and the standard UNE AT 1270 “ Basketball teams ”


Take the dimensions and marking indicating the figure:

The front is flat and preferably transparent material (polycarbonate, tempered glass of security in competitions FIBA) and a single piece. lines will be white with a width of 5 cm. The non-transparent material lines have black and the same width of 5 cm.

Lower edges and side of the board must be protected with typologies for classes A and B as shown in Figure:


The panels are mounted firmly subject to the supports at the position shown in Figure:

According to your design of the board mounts can be:

- Structures to soil mobile, fixed to the floor, hanging from the ceiling foldable OR elevables, subject to fixed or folding wall.

- The supports the soil (fixed or mobile) and the media to be wall (fixed or folding) are classified according to the free space “ L ” between the projection of the board and support or the wall of support in classes:

Free space "L" (mm)
Class 3250
Class B 2250
Class C 1650
Type D 1250
Class And Other < 1200

For competitions of high level FIBA and national and the FEB should only be used mobile structures or fixed to the floor of A class, as shown in Figure;

regulatory support. The class B can be used for training and classes C and D for recreational use and schools.

Free space must be devoid of obstacles and to avoid blows must be at least 1.650 meters (0.40 m until the support) and advisable 2.250 m (1 m until the support).

To enable the use of the minibasket board will have a mechanism that regulates the position of the height of the hoop to 2.60 m (minibasket) and 3.5 m (basketball).

The bottom surface of any part of the support located behind the board at a distance of 1,20 m from the front of the board and at a height from the ground below 2.75 meters, it will be protected by a typologies.

The supports built by structures at fixed or mobile soil To class or B (with free space 3.250 m OR 2.250 m) will be protected databases to a height of 2.15 m by a thick typologies 10 cm. The typologies and support of the board will meet the standard UNE IN 913 remain the buffer value with a drop of 200 mm below 50 g (acceleration of the seriousness 9.8 m / s ²).

The supports are stability and rigidity versus horizontal and vertical forces for which the hygeine requirements to the effect of the standard UNE AT 1270 "basketball teams".

Folding media to the ceiling will have a system of automatic protection against freefall or involuntarily by bug in the elevation system or lack of electricity and a safety device that protects the team falls. The subjection of this device must be independent of the device elevation. Periodically shall peacekeeping operations verification consisting of these teams by qualified personnel or by the installer.

Backings structures to mobile soil if they have wheels, each of these will not pass to the ground more than 1500 N (wooden floors) OR 1000 N (synthetic soil) and have a width of more than 30 mm.


It consists of hoop and the network.


The ring of steel is temperate quality soldable S235JR painted orange, with inner diameter 45 cm, see contains:

Will take 12 elements of subjection of the network equidistant between if at the bottom of the hoop, which will have no elements sharp or holes of more than 8 mm to prevent trapped the fingers of players. Will Be set to support so that they do not transmit any force to the board. The contour can be fixed or swinging. Have resistance to vertical loads that sets the standard UNE AT 1270 described above.

The mechanism of bending of the tilt rings hollow will not have to create risk of trapping in position flexionada flexionada or not, so the only mechanism for bending flexionará loads exceeding 1050 N and not to fall over 30 ° since the horizontal flexionada position.


May be of synthetic fibers (polypropylene) or natural (cotton) white and offer some resistance to step of the ball to delay the fall and allow to see whether has moved the ball through the network. The design of the network will prevent the return through the hoop and risk embroiling itself or the ball is trapped in her or rebound and exit the basket.


Spherical, orange, with 8 sectors and black boards, with outer surface of leather, rubber or synthetic materials.

The circumference of the ball must not be less than 749 mm nor more than 780 mm (height 7) will weigh No more than 650 grams or less than 567 g.

Will be inflated to pressure that if he leaves fall on the surface of the playing field from a height of 1.80 metres measured from the ground up to the top jackpot at altitudes of 1,20 m and 1,40 m measured from the ground to the bottom.



Timing is used for periods of game and the intervals between them, placed in a way that is clearly visible by anyone associated with the party, even by viewers.


Appropriate visual device other than the clock of the match, used to control the times dead.


Device with control unit and monitors with countdown indicating the time in seconds. Would be located, as lafigura:

in the following manner: Two on each board (To) Four in the corners of the playing field 2m behind every line of bottom (B) Two on the pitch at diametrically opposed corner (C)


There will be 2 with different sounds and very powerful to hear them easily despite the noise. One for the cronometrador and the file. For the cronometrador is sounded automatically to indicate the end of the game time period or an extra period. to the file and cronometrador will sound manually when necessary to draw the attention of arbitrators on the request of a time-out of a replacement, etc. Another for the operator of 24 seconds sounds automatically to indicate the end of the period of 24 seconds.


Displays the game time, the score, the number of current period and the number of times deaths registered.