Sport Inclusive II
SPORT INCLUSIVE IIit is a program that seeks to promote sports for persons with disabilities as a tool for social integration. Sports in addition to being a powerful tool for health promotion, favours dynamics that balances the personal differences allowing for the inclusion of persons with disabilities in their social settings.
SPORT INCLUSIVE II materialize in launching initiatives related to the promotion of sport to promote inclusion and integration in sport, with special interest in people with disabilities. The main development project will consist of:
- Promote physical activity in inclusive environments
- Training
- Accessibility to sport
- Plan for the promotion of sports competitions inclusive
- Communication and dissemination of the value of sport inclusive and its achievements
The Programme Sport Inclusive II has been declared the event of exceptional public interest in law 11/2020, of 30 december, of general state budget by 2021. The duration of the programme of support for this event is from 1 july 2021 as at 30 june 2024.
MANUAL OF CORPORATE IDENTITY AND USE FOR COLLABORATING COMPANIES: The document identifies the standards of use of the logos and/or image of the event of exceptional public interest (AEIP) “ Sport Inclusive Programme II ”, as well as the criteria for the quantification of the different tax benefits which provides for the current regulations in order to support the proper development of the event; details the different forms of advertising to insert the logo of the event and the characteristics of this logo so that costs in advertising are tax deductible. For each advertisement provides the basis of the deduction of expenses for advertising the collaborating companies to the event. Details the national action plans and programmes under the Plan and also defines the procedure for recognising the fiscal benefits like models of documentation to contribute to the collaborating companies and the regulations on this procedure. Download the:
Manual Aeip - Sport INCLUSIVE II
APPLICATION: The application form used by companies wishing to submit a sports unit for inclusion in the plans and programmes of Sport Inclusive AEIP Programme II.