The health protocol to return to workouts, ready for the day 4 May

Madrid, 30 April 2020.The CSD has communicated within today's meeting of the task force of momentum to sport (GTID), the ministry of health has validated practically the entire health protocol, with contributions from many players, referred to the commands department minister Battersea Savior last week. The protocol has maintained its guiding principles, structure, phases and regulation of control and monitoring, and will only be public in the coming days, because you need to adapt its content to ministerial orders that the government planned to adopt these days to the beginning of the ‘ Phase 0 ’ of de-escalation.

Regarding the diagnostic tests for the detection of the COVID-19, the council has transmitted to present that medical services of professional leagues clubs, and always talking in the context of the stage 0 of de-escalation plan may performed in accordance with the ministerial decree SND/344/2020 13 April dictated by the ministry of Health. Remember that during this phase workouts will be, in any case, basic or individual.

The CSD has wanted to highlight during the meeting the commitment shown by the ministry of culture and sport with the world of sport, whose ‘ reboot ’ has been taken into account in stages of de-escalation announced after the cabinet last Tuesday. In any case, it should be remembered that we are in the midst of a crisis very dynamic and that progress and setbacks will occur in function of the evolution of the pandemic.

Beyond that, and within the stage 0, will have a special consideration professional sportsmen, Provinces and high level (the so-called DAN). Since the council also has been reported to the attendees of the creation of an internal mechanism to meet consultations on the return to the sport activity over the coming weeks, given the enormous casuistry prevailing in an area as important as the sport.

The GTID has also ordered the establishment of the group ‘ ad hoc ’ of tourism and sports, whose coordination, with the participation of other federations and one's own CSD carrier, employers CEOE. Also has been agreed to seek solutions in the field of insurance in sports.

In the task force to the momentum to sport (GTID), born just one month ago with the aim of addressing the serious consequences of the pandemic of COVID-19 on sporting activity, feel LaLiga, the Real Spanish football Federation (RFEF) and the Association of Spanish Footballers (AFE), the association of Basketball Clubs (ACB); sports federations as Motorcycling, cycling, swimming, athletics and others; the Spanish Olympic Committee (COE) and the Paralympic Games English (CPE); employers CEOE and CEPYME; business as Sports DUE; or the association of sport English (ADESP), which represents many other federations. Today, moreover, has been added to work the association of Professional Baloncestistas (ABP).