Décalogo recommendations for professional athletes and Provinces

Guide to the incorporation to the new normal.

The desentrenamiento, one way or another, has affected provinces and professional athletes/as as a result of confinement. The new scenario allows its rejoining workouts. CSD and advice COLEF put at your disposal a series of recommendations to facilitate their return to their professional work and offer them the support of both institutions.

For the professional sportsmen, even swim in their homes and strictly according to their programmes physical/as coaches and trainers, has proved to maintain complex intensity and volume of training requirements, mainly due to the lack of control and evaluation of appropriate burdens, and even more so with a whose cycles planning could not adapt to any period of competition scheduled. In competitive sports institutionalized are necessary spaces and equipment that usually are not available in the homes, so that the athletes, both professional and amateur, have been affected by the lack of specific training with an appropriate transfer to the conditions of competition. Performance, therefore, may have been affected, and may have suffered some degree of desentrenamiento specific in certain physical capacities, which may lead to an increased risk of injury to return to the previous sport practice the confinement (Jukic et al., 2020).

Therefore, and before the launch of Phase 0 ofPlan for the transition to a new normalitythrough theCommand SND/388/2020 of 3 May, in which restarts individual workouts of professional athletes and provinces and basic practice of professional leagues (see Annex II), the High Council of sports (CSD) and the General Council of physical education and sports (COLEF Council) have developed a series of recommendations for sportsmen, complementary to the already published by both institutions in previous days (practice outdoor físico-deportiva for general population).

1.It meets the standards. Always carries your accreditation, do not leave the municipality, if you're Province, or the province, if you are a professional, and acting responsibly.

2.Be patient. If you have been training in your home, probably was unable to fulfil the principle of specificity. So be patient with the answers and adaptations that requires your body to return to the previous state the confinement. The return to the new normal can reach resemble a preseason.

3.Trusted legal professionalsPreparer. Your physical/a/a and your coach/to being developed in coordination with the medical service (if any), better planning for your recuperes past performance, at the same time that protect your health.

4.Decreases the risk of injury. Share your sensations with your preparer/a physical and your coach for that, in coordination with the medical service (if any), can adapt your training, making it as effective as possible and reducing the risk of injury, protecting your health. Do Not want to stop, Right?

5.Stir your desire. Follow the signs of your preparer/a physical and your coach in relation to the frequency, intensity and volume of training. you can go back to juste standing and also makes you more vulnerable to contagion.

6.Rests.Sleeps at least 7 hours per day. This, in addition to be important for your performance, it is also necessary to keep your immune system in optimal conditions.

7.Watch your diet. Remember that your food must adapt to your workout. Your dietista-nutricionista is an ally/to to make more effective and efficient recovery of your physical form and/or brands.

8.Ask for help.Don't be afraid to seek help from a psychologist to deal with the consequences that have confinement in your emotions, your motivation sports, your fears regarding performance in competition, etc.

9.I KNOW cautious/to. As recovers the new normal, it is possible that a neglect preventive measures of health and safety. Therefore, incorpóralas from the outset as new habits within your routine: social distance, washing hands, possible use of masks, etc. Ten special care with the contact surfaces shared.

10.Avoids infections. Before any sign or symptom of unease that can be suspect of a possible contagion, let your coach/a, and the medical service (if any), to take the necessary measures protecting your health and the rest of athletes and staff who have been in contact with you. Do not jeopardize your health or other by your desire to forge to train.

Command SND/388/2020, 3 May, which sets the conditions for the opening to the public of certain shops and services, and the opening of files, as well as for the practice of professional sport and Province


Annex II.- guidance Forecast for lifting the limitations of national level set in the state of alarm, depending on the stages of transition to a new normality