Rodríguez Uribes attends the submission of the first song paralympic team official english

‘ Win twice ’ will be the anthem of the national delegation in the paralympic games of Paris 2024

Madrid, 4 june 2024.-The president of the supreme council for sports (CSD), José Manuel Rodríguez Uribes, attended this tuesday to the submission of ‘ Win twice ’, the first song paralympic team officer.

Less than 100 days of the opening ceremony of the paralympic games of Paris, which will take place on 28 august, president of the CSD has expressed its support for the athletes representing España in this meeting.

“ You Know better than anyone how difficult it is to overcome difficulties and opened the way, both in the lives and in sport ”, has emphasized the secretary of State for sport.

In addition, José Manuel Rodríguez Uribes has reminded us extra “ stimulus ” with the team in the games of 2024, after the adoption of the equalization of economic awards among sportsmen olympic and paralympic games. A milestone in the history of spanish sport.

“ this decision puts the paralympic sport in its place by its own merit, ” said.

The act has been led by Almudena Cid and has taken place in the central offices of Pascual, official sponsor for twenty years of Spanish Paralympic Committee (CPE), which has enabled us to build this hymn, composed of Lucas Vidal and gives voice to which the artist Paula Koops disclosure.

The song and video clip are already available in all major platforms of our country. All the benefits generated by their reproduction iran for the project ‘ Paralympic Relay ’, in order to achieve equal opportunities in sport.

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