Rodríguez Uribes receives in the CSD to the representation commission, standardization and oversight

Advance the work of the World's candidature 2030

Madrid, 7 june 2024.-The president of the supreme council for sports (CSD), José Manuel Rodríguez Uribes, has received this friday to the representation commission, standardization and surveillance, which chairs the national exseleccionador Vicente del Bosque.

The executive Francisco Javier García Sanz, professor of economics Helena Martínez Ruiz and the olympic athlete Aauri Bokesa are the other members of the commission, established to guarantee the general interest of a state in connection with the spanish football. Especially, on those aspects related to the design of the candidature of the World cup in 2030, which is at a crucial phase.

Last week held various meetings with FIFA, involving representatives of the three countries involved in the nomination and which included visits to our country on the stadiums of San Mamés, Anoeta, Camp Nou and Cornellà-el Prat. Vicente del Bosque was in the facilities of the FC Barcelona.

During the meeting held this friday in the Room's olympic CSD, exseleccionador made at the national secretary of State for sport and the other members of the commission, all independent experts of recognized standing, key findings of that visit.

In addition, Rodríguez Uribes and members of the commission had discussed issues relating to the impact of sport, economic and social council for the organization of España 2030, World awarded FIFA must confirm the end of this year. This important event, the organization of which requires the support of the government of España, is called upon to transform the sports industry in our country.

The meeting between José Manuel Rodríguez Uribes and the commission has also used to prepare the meeting that its members remain next week with the royal spanish football Federation (DVOBOJU) and representatives of the CSD in Las Rozas to further the work related to the design of the World's candidature 2030.

On the representation commission, standardization and oversight

Ensure the proper design of the candidature of 2030, World España has promoted along with Portugal and morocco is one of the tasks of the commission. Its establishment, for a period limited in time, is based on the statutes of the CSD, the royal Decree on spanish sports federations and the sports act, which in its articles, provides for public oversight in those areas that are considered of general interest to the state.

The commission is chaired byVicente del Bosquethe real madrid, which led to Spain to the conquest of the 2010 world population and the euro 2012. Over 114 parties, became the more successful of the history of the spanish selection. Furthermore, as was international player on 18 occasions. Its bonhomía, temperance and good sense make it the best person to chair this committee.

The other members of the commission are:

Francisco Javier García SanzIt is one of the spanish executives who has occupied a position of greater responsibility in a large corporation. Grown up in Germany, with training in trade and exports, studied Business administration in the Business school of Wiesbaden. He is a doctor Honoris Causa in the economic and social sciences, university of Against Stuttgart. Started his career in General Motors and for 17 years was vice-president of the world purchases of the Volkswagen group. Between 2008 and 2012 chaired the spanish employers in the car industry. His career is closely linked to football, having chaired wolfsburg for ten years.

Elena Martínez Ruiz. A degree in Economics from Ludwig-Maximiliam Universitaet in munich (Germany) and a doctorate degree in economics from the university of Alcalá. Has made the post-doctoral stays at the London School of Economics, Institute of Sociais of lisbon and the Université de Geneve. His research focuses on the economic history of spain during the twentieth century, which has published numerous articles and books. At present is the director of the department of economics, university of Alcalá.

Aauri Lorena Bokesa. This is an athlete who aspires to play in paris 2024 rooms Olympic games. Holds a degree in Social work and expert in education in values and social skills through sport. Account, inter alia, with a master's in action And educational work with vulnerable groups. It Is the creator and co-educational programme “ DXT FILES for life ” and one of the ambassadors of the project “ Sport is respect ”, driven by the european union and the council of europe.

The creation of this commission, the CSD da a constructive response to safeguard the general interest of spain and their good name, having been received by the DVOBOJU the commitment to a fair partnership. It has established a monthly periodicity for the DVOBOJU and the commission, which will work in a concerted and coordinated way in those key issues affecting the overall interests of our country.