Cookie policy

This cookie policy aims to inform you of a clear and precise information on the cookies used on the website of the ministry of Interior.

What are cookies?

A cookie is a small piece of text that the websites you visit sent to the browser and which allows the website remember information about your visit, as your preferred language and other options, in order to facilitate your next visit and to make it more Useful. Cookies play a very important and contribute to a better surfing experience for the user.

Types of cookies

Depending on who is the entity to manage the domain where from cookies and treated the data obtained, there are two types: cookies own and third party cookies.

There is also a second classification according to the length of time that they are stored in the client browser, the supreme court of session cookies and persistent cookies.

Finally, there is another classification with five types of cookies according to the purpose for which will deal with the obtained data: technical cookies, cookies, cookies customization of analysis, advertising cookies and tracking cookies i.e. behavioural advertising.

For more information, you can consult the directory on the use of cookies from the Spanish data protection agency.

Cookies used on the web

Below identifies the cookies that are used in this portal as well as their typology and function:

The website of the CSD uses Google Analytics, an analytics service developed by Google, which allows the measurement and analysis of navigation on the web pages. In your browser you can observe cookies from this service. According to the previous typology is own cookies, session and analysis.

Through the online analytics gives information on the number of users who access the web page views, the frequency and repetition of visits, duration, browser used, the operator that provides the service, language, which uses the terminal and the city is assigned your IP address. Information that enables a better and more appropriate to the service by this portal.

To ensure the anonymity, Google to convert your anonymous information to dash the IP address before it, so that Google Analytics is not used to locate or collect personally identifiable information from site visitors. Google can only send the information collected by Google Analytics to others everything legally obliged to do so. Under the terms and conditions of service of Google Analytics, Google will not associate your IP address with any other data retained by Google.

Finally, you download a cookie called cc _ cookie, own, technical and. Manages user's consent to the use of cookies on the website, in order to remember those users who have accepted them and those who do not, so that the information they are displayed at the top of the page.

Cookies Tipo Timing Title Purpose Dominios
Cookies for Google Analytics:
  • _ ga
  • _ gat
  • _ gid
  • Other possible cookies to load for the monitoring of visits by Google [1]
Analytical Temporary/permanent Ajena. Conditions of service: [2]

Are used to generate a unique user id, used to take stock of how many times visit the site a user, as well as the date of the first and last time i visited the site. Register the date and time of access to any of the web pages. Check the need to maintain an open user or create a new one. See the meeting of the user to take into account the geographical location approximately computer to the portal.

Cookies belonging to the notice of handling of cookies:
  • csd _ cookie _ consent
Technical Temporary Propia

They are used for the control of appearance and acceptance of the notice itself of handling of cookies.



Social Temporary Ajena. Conditions of service: [3]

Used for recording the preferences of the video of the user to watch videos embedded YouTube.

[1] – use cookies for Google Analytics in websites:https :// hl = en

[2] – privacy conditions of Google Analytics:https ://

[3] – a position to cookies from Google and YouTube:

Services of third parties

In addition, the CSD has presence in portals and services of third parties for which, if you want to know the conditions of privacy and use of cookies, should discuss policies provided by the same:

Acceptance of the cookie policy

The CSD displays information about its policy of cookies on the bottom of any web page with every login with the object that you are aware.

To this information is possible to undertake the following actions:

  • Cookies. There is No going back to display this warning by accessing any web page during the sitting.
  • Modify. You can find more information about what are cookies, know the Cookie policy of the CSD and modify your browser to restrict or block cookies of CSD at any time. In the case to restrict or block cookies you can see reduced the functionalities of the web.

How to modify the cookie

  • Managing cookies. The link as "Gestión de Cookies"options banner or link"Gestión de Cookies"on the bottom menu of any page of the site, you can select the cookies that are willing to accept or reject.

It is also possible to restrict, block or delete cookies of CSD, or any other website, using your browser. In each browser the operation is different, the role of 'Ayuda "will show you how to do so.