SS.MM. kings preside over the prize-giving ceremony National sport 2022 in the palace of El Pardo
Madrid, 27 march 2024.SS.MM. kings, will preside over the next thursday, 4 april at 11:30 p.m. in the royal palace of El Pardo, the prize-giving ceremony National sport for the year 2022. With the presence of the minister of Education, vocational training and sport, Pilar Joy, and the president of the CSD, josé Manuel Rodríguez Uribes.
These awards, which since 1982 granted by the government of Spain through the council for sports, recognize the individuals and entities that have been most distinguished in the competition or in the promotion of sports throughout the year.
In this issue, as a novelty, incorporates the trophy European union.
On the awards national sport 2022
The player Carlos Alcaraz and triathlete Susana Rodríguez have won, respectively, as is the King Felipe and Queen Letizia, that recognize better athlete and better athlete of that year.
Among the strengths ofCarlos Alcarazthey emphasize its promotion to the top of the ranking of the ATP and conquest of the tournaments of rio de Janeiro, Madrid and Miami, trophy Conde de godó and open from the united states, a minor player in succeed at the Grand Slam new yorker.
For its part,Susana Rodríguezproclaimed champion of the world and europe. In addition, paratriatlón won the gold medal in the world Series of Yokohama and Montreal and in the evidence of the world cup played in A Coruña and Alhandra (Portugal).
With the award, the Princess Leonor better athlete under 18 years, has been recognized the basketball playerIzan Almansafor its excellent progression. By 2022 was champion of europe with the spanish selection in category sub-18 and runner category sub-17 world, and was chosen the Mvps both tournaments.
TheFoundation for Down's syndrome Madridit has been with the Premio Infanta Sofia, the person, entity or institution which, by its own performance sports or the promotion of the activity of others, has highlighted in particular in the sport of persons with disabilities, inclusive or paralympic sport or encouraged and enabled a sporting activity among persons with any type of disability.
The Award to King Juan Carlos sportsman disclosure has fallen on the athleteJordan Díaz, champion of Spain sub-23 triple jump in track and record cover spanish absolute categories and sub-23 outdoors.
The Reina Sofia Prize, which rewards the person, entity or institution that has highlighted during the year by a gesture of particular relevance of nobility or fair play in sports or for paying a special contribution to the eradication of violence in any of its expression in sport, has been for journalistsDove of the river and Antonio Pampliega, for their involvement in the defence of women under the taliban threat and assistance to immigrants.
El jurado de los Premios Nacionales del Deporte ha distinguido asimismo a laPan-American confederation of Cyclingwith the trophy Ibero-American Community, which acknowledges the athlete, entity, club or ibero-american institution the year for their sports activities. In 2022 complied with 100 years of its founding.
As the main novelty, in this edition is delivered by the first time the trophy European union. The winner was the sportsman czechLedecka Esterthree times olympic champion. In PyeongChang 2018 made history by becoming the first person in history to win the olympic gold in alpine skiing and snowboarding. In winter olympics in beijing in 2022, gold medal in the parallel slalom giant snowboarding.
The Cup baron of Güell, equipment or national selection more prominent role, has been for thespanish team rinkin the last world championship medals achieved 40. The spanish delegation managed to the podium in all categories in which he had representation.
TheReal Club mediterráneo de Málagaspeaking of great, athletes, has received the Copa Stadium for his particular contribution to advocacy, dissemination and promotion of sport, especially of sport.
The council for sports, aiming at the local spanish has done the most distinguished for their initiatives for the promotion of sport has been for theCity of Getafefor the programme “ Getafe Diverse City ”, aiming at integration and equality and the eradication of violence and discrimination.
TheUniversity of Alicanteit has achieved the trophy Joaquín Blume for his commitment to sports, offering high quality facilities accessible to the university community. It is also working on events as inclusive as the annual day UPAPSA, which brought together more than 800 athletes with disabilities.
The National Prize to the arts and sciences applied to the sport has grantedAlberto DovecoteWhat, Judge contencioso-administrativo, Doctor of law and respect in law.
Finally, the handball exjugadorRaúl Entrerríoshas been awarded the Premio Nacional Francisco Fernández Ochoa on your track record. Was international selección española in 294 parties, emphasizing its merits the achievement of the world 2005 and the European championships 2018 and 2020, as well as the bronze medal in the beijing olympics 2008 and tokyo 2021, among many others.
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Invitation to media
DAY: thursday, 4 april 2024
TIME:11:30 p.m. Accredited media should45 minutes before access the start of the act.
PLACE:Royal Palace of El Pardo. Madrid.
NOTE: media wishing to cover informativamente this act should be credited to the department of Communication of the house of his majesty the king, sending mailcomunicacion@casareal.esa request from the east and qualified by an official of the same, with the composition of the team (DNI, name and surname, date of birth and role).
It will prove a team by means of communication.