Swearing-in of José Manuel Rodríguez Uribes as president of the CSD
The high council of sports (CSD) will host this thursday, 21 december, from the 12:00 hours, the swearing-in of José Manuel Rodríguez Uribes as president of the agency.
The act shall be chaired by the minister of education, vocational training and sport, Pilar Alegría.
The means unable to attend in person will be able to follow the swearing-in through the direct signal which will provide the high council of sports on Youtube.
For streaming link:https :// www.youtube.com/watch? v = 7u7KrS4ErS8
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DAY: Thursday, 21 december 2023
TIME:12:00 hours (*Appointment for means to 11:30 p.m.)
PLACE:Sala Samaranch - headquarters of the CSD (Martín Fierro, 5)
- Please apply for accreditation by emailprensa@csd.gob.esbefore the 10:00 hours this thursday indicating name, surnames, ID CARD and a means of communication.
- A link will be available for downloading photographs and video of the act.