Royal order of sporting merit
Text of the Royal Decree 694/2010 on the website of B.O.E.
The Royal Decree 638/2009, of 17 april, amending royal decree 1370/2008, from 1 august, which develops the organizational structure of the presidency of the government, established the high council of sports to the chair of the government, and gave the minister of the presidency the powers that the rules in force attached to the ministry.
The order of sporting merit is a public recognition to those who have distinguished themselves in the practice of sport, in the promotion and teaching of physical education or in research, dissemination, organization and development of physical culture and sport. It has been regulated by royal decree 1523/1982 of 18 june, which creates the royal order of sporting merit. The development of this royal decree was produced by the Order of 24 september 1982 approving the regulation establishing the Ordinances of the royal order of sporting merit.
The specificity of these distinctions and the principle of adequacy of means to ends advised that institutional is the council for sports that you make all acts relating to the granting of the royal order of sporting merit, with the exception of the granting of the grand cross, which will continue to be granted by a royal decree of the council of ministers, special attention to its relevance, for which we shall now proceed to modify the royal decree 1523/1982 of 18 june, in the way i have mentioned.
By virtue of this, on a proposal by the minister of the presidency, and after deliberation of the council of ministers at its meeting on 20 may 2010,
Single article. Modification of Royal Decree 1523/1982 of 18 june, which creates the royal order of sporting merit.
Amending the royal decree 1523/1982 of 18 june, which creates the royal order of sporting merit, as follows:
One. Article 4 to have the following wording:
"Article 4.
The membership of the royal order of sporting merit may be granted:
1. On the proposal of the President of the supreme council for sports.
2. Under reasoned motion Spanish federations, clubs or Sports Groups or Corporations, entities or agencies. '
Two article 5 reads as follows:
"Article 5:
1. The Grand Cross shall be vested by royal decree agreed in Council of ministers.
2. Other categories will be awarded by the president of the supreme council for sports. '
Final disposition. Entry into force.
This royal decree shall enter into force on the day following its publication in the Official state gazette.
Given in Barcelona on 20 may 2010.
The first vice president of the government and minister of the presidency,