Sectoral conference on Sport
The minister of culture and sport, Miquel Iceta, has identified the trustees of the autonomous communities investment lines under this heading
In particular, would provide 49 million during the last quarter of this year, and 26 million over 2002, with the aim of the renovation of the high performance centres and Sports Canoe scattered throughout spain
This investment is part of the Ecological Transition of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience promoted by the government
Madrid, 8 november 2021.-The minister of culture and sport,Miquel Iceta, accompanied by the president of the supreme council for sports (CSD),José Manuel Franctoday, has chaired the meeting of the sectoral conference on Sport. The aim has been the adoption of the territorial distribution and allocation of a provision for communities and autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla to implementation of reforms and investments directed towards the revitalization, restructuring and modernization of the sport industry by an amount of eur 75 million for 2021 and 2022.
The meeting, which has taken place at the headquarters of the CSD, has allowed the minister Iceta bring together the trustees autonomous this item will be devoted entirely to the renovation of the high performance centres and Sports Canoe scattered throughout spain. The objective, has added, is to promote adaptation to new socio-economic realities through processes of transformation in digital and ecological transition that may be necessary for its modernization.
In particular, the actions to be carried out under the project “ Modernization of high performance centres: Energy Sport 2.0. ” This paragraph contains several steps to the replacement of current energy used in its functioning with under other polluting emissions, as well as the renewal of equipments for maximizing energy performance of each of the systems that are available. A series of proceedings established within the Ecological Transition of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience driven by the government.
75 million between 2021 and 2022
In total, over the next two years, provides the amount of eur 75 million to the modernization of the spanish sports facilities. In particular, over the last quarter of 2021 investment will be of eur 49 million, which need to add other 26 planned for next year. In this way, at least 54 canoe and/or sports facilities will be renovated, improve their efficiency and update their infrastructures.
Thus, the resources that will manage communities and autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla during the next two years will have the following pattern by annuities from data obtained from the network of centres of Canoe:
2021-2022 Annuity