Víctor Francos: “ we work by and for the people's europe, which offers opportunities and gives answers to the challenges of citizenship ”

The president of the CSD intervened in Valencia in the conference held in the context of the spanish presidency of the european Union

The president of the supreme council for sports (CSD) has written to the directors-general of the european union in Valencia, at the end of the meeting held in the context of the spanish presidency of the eu council

This friday has also held the conference on Entornos Seguros in sport, which has had representatives of the european commission, the council of europe, the international olympic committee, FIFA and the national security service, among others

The objective of this international meeting has been put in common strategies to prevent and correct speeches of hatred, violence, harassment, abuse and misconduct

Valencia, 22 september.The president of the supreme council for sports (CSD), Víctor Francos, has declared this friday in Valencia, with a keynote address to the institutional sports directors-general of the member countries, the second day of activities linked to the spanish presidency of the council of the european Union.

Following friday of this meeting of directors-general and of the conference on Entornos Seguros in sport, Víctor Francos has stressed that the presidency is “ a useful tool for improving the lives of citizens ”. “ we work by and for the people's europe, which responds to their needs, their demands, which offers opportunities and responses to the challenges of citizenship and also of your environment, it is anticipated that, ultimately, to the future ”.

In that regard, as indicated by Víctor Francos, “ the spanish presidency of the european union promotes sport as a key aspect in european society, as an engine of transformation, employment, progress and development as well as a tool for the inclusion and cohesion that will generate freedom, respect and tolerance ”.

During the thursday and friday, the emphasis is on gender equality in sport, the practice of sports in secure environments and the eradication of hate speech.

“ this government has accepted a commitment to build a sport and a society with equal opportunities. This must be a common and shared goal, ” said.

Conference on Entornos Seguros in sport

The Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias de Valencia has hosted the conference this afternoon Entornos Seguros in sport, organized by the high council of sports (CSD) in the context of the spanish presidency of the council of the european Union.

The basic objective is to establish synergies able to move forward in a professional sport, both as a basis, carried out in a secure environment, governed by tolerance, respect and diversity.

In the meeting, held after the last meeting of the meeting of the executive directors of sports of the eu, expertise and community and national authorities, who presented and discussed strategies to eradicate speeches of hatred in sport, germ of subsequent violent incidents, as well as mechanisms for the protection of children and the prevention of sexual abuse and harassment in the Field of sport.

The conference has continued with the intervention of Jesús Díez, of the department of homeland security (DSN), the government of Spain devoted, inter alia, to raise awareness of shared responsibility of citizens in their own security and in particular, to reflect on the importance of the values of sport in shaping societies committed to the prevalence of individual and collective security.

The definition of secure environments in sport has been the axis of the first meeting of the conference, by Bárbara Fuertes, assistant director-general of the Mujer and sport; CSD and Raúl Rodríguez, deputy director-general for Legal Regime of sport, also of the CSD.

The conference has continued with the intervention of Jesús Díez, of the department of homeland security (DSN), the government of Spain devoted, inter alia, to coordinate with the council for sports the safety of sporting events.

María Teresa Mayans, subdelegada of the government in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, has focused its meeting in the strategy would the ministry of Interior against sexual abuse in sport.

The protection of minors in sport, essential aspect, given the significance of sports development for adequate physical growth, social, emotional and psychological abuse of children and adolescents, has taken on the 4th meeting of the conference. Celia Biedma, Young, Sport and Iñaqui Alonso, expert in children's rights, have focused on the item.

The second part of the conference, after a short break, has continued with a panel discussion on harassment in the field of sport, the current situation and protection mechanisms, moderated by Gloria visors, Senior Project Manager Safe Sport Unit in the international olympic committee.

In the debate have participated Kari Fasting, professor at the school Norway sports science; Ainhoa Azurmendi, of the consultant Avento; Joyce Cook, senior advisor, the office of the president of FIFA; and Cristina Almeida, National olympic committee.

At the end of the round table, the government delegate in Valencia, Pilar Barnabas, has declared the day with a call to the cooperation of all actors involved to build a sport more secure and respectful.

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