The Executive approves the allocation of $17.9 million between CC.AA. for promoting equality and inclusion in sport

The council of ministers has approved the agreement authorizing the proposal of territorial distribution and the criteria of sharing between the CC.AA.

  • The council of ministers gives the green light to the territorialisation of a new game, framed in the Social Plan of sport, which was to be adopted in final form at the next conference sectoral industry
  • With this new investment, the government, through the council for sports, has made available to the autonomy of almost eur 102 million of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience devoted to sports sector

Madrid, 14 of june of 2022.- The council of ministers at the request of the minister of culture and sport, Miquel Iceta, adopted at its meeting today the agreement authorizing the proposal of territorial distribution and allocation of 17.9 billion from the autonomous communities and cities, for the promotion of equality of women and the inclusion of persons with disabilities in sports.

This is a budget line belonging to the Sport Sector, the component of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience for renewal and momentum of the ecosystem deportivo español. In particular, these almost 18 million fall in the Social Plan of sport, one of its three pillars, which is of a total budget of $77 million.

The objective is to ensure that the CC.AA. and autonomous cities to develop a range of actions to increase the presence and visibility of women in the field of sport and improve the inclusion and equality of persons with disabilities in sports; the distribution will be undertaken on the basis of criteria such as the total population, the number of persons with disabilities, the non-university educational institutions, autonomous federations or population density, among others.

With this new investment have already been territorializado over one third of 300 million in the recovery Plan for the field of sport: 75 million for the ecological transition of sports; 9 million for the digitization of the ecosystem in sports; and these 17.9 million for the Social Plan.

Following the green light of the council of ministers, this new line of aid it must be undersigned by the next Sectoral Conference of sport, which was chaired by the minister Miquel Iceta and brings together the trustees and councillors responsible of the autonomous Sports area.