Franco: “ On 15 june, the CSD will professional soccer the highest ranking ”
- The secretary of state for sports has described the decision to “ milestone ” and ensured that "the defence of de facto equality between men and women is a value identities socialist governments"
- During his first appearance in the committee on culture and Sport, Franco has also reviewed the objectives of the coming months: "progress on pending reforms, build a new model of sport and in keeping with current needs and achieve real equality between men and women in sport"
- In addition, the budget has explained the CSD during 2021 and $251 million, 95 per cent over the last olympic year
Madrid, 01 june 2021.-The secretary of State for sport, josé Manuel Franco, has announced during his appearance in the committee on culture and Sport of the congress of deputies to the next 15 june, the CSD will professional soccer the highest ranking. “ our commitment to equality in the field of sport is defined in this historic landmark. We look forward to the unanimous support of all sports and the political, because progress in the field of equality is a global benefit to society as a whole, is a symptom of good democratic health and public policies aimed at creating more free and fair. It is a challenge of all that we are a leader, has ensured ”.
During his speech, Franco has also reviewed the objectives of the CSD during the coming months as “ progress on pending reforms, build a new model of sport and in keeping with current needs and achieve real equality between men and women in sport ". In relation to the future act of sport has explained that the text is “ practically finalised ” and “ are giving the Final brushstrokes adjustments ” and “ technicals ”. The fundamental content of the new standard are: the legal definition of sportsmen, the establishment of a clear distribution of competences, and the protection of equality between men and women as well as the fight against discrimination by LGBTI collective “ Seeking a Useful and effective rule for the entire ecosystem deportivo ”, has said.
In addition, the president of the CSD was committed to achieving other outstanding sporting rules such as the management of the professions of sport, the draft law on combating doping, or the regulation of insurance Compulsory Sports.
Moreover, the secretary of state for sports has explained the figures for the budgets allocated to the council for the year 2021. Well, pointed out that the figure for this exercise is $251 million, 95 per cent over the last olympic year. This amount represents an increase of 23.5% for funds to the spanish sports federations; grows in five million regular grant; the provision to the autonomous communities has risen by 30 per cent to 14.6 million; and double the amount for sport and inclusive. “ This budget is the largest has been done since 1992 ”, has pointed out.
In relation to european funds, has highlighted that spain is the only country in the union which has incorporated sport as a “ tractor ” element in the recovery plan. In this respect, we have listed the three current investment plans and reform which they will be undertaken in the field of sport and that will be focused on digitizing, ecological transition, as well as the development of a plan partner in sport. To that end, the CSD will have more than 300 million euros, which makes these funds in a “ powerful tool ” for the recovery has assured José Manuel Franco.
During his speech, president of the CSD has also value the importance of the relationship between sport and health as “ are unquestionable benefits ”. “ Every euro invested in physical activity prevents 15 euros to spending on health. The regular practice of sport is the most effective micro-píldora to build a society more capable, happier and more sustainable health and sport inexorably to walk hand in hand as a strategic area of public policies in the coming decades ", has said.
Finally, josé Manuel Franco referred to the olympic and paralympic games in Tokyo 2020. Has reminded us that there are now more than 320 sportspersons classified between the two quotations that “ are a significant indicator of a return to normal that we all desire. ” It had also value already vaccinated 819 people of the delegation And olympic Paralímpica with the first dose and which has been possible thanks to the triple in cooperation with the ministries of health, defence, and Culture and sport.