General Assemblies and seminars woman and Sport held after the creation of the Ibero-American Network woman and Sport
I General Assembly Ibero-American Network woman and Sport
Held in the city of Caracas (Venezuela) on 29 and 30 October 2009.
- In this first General Assembly adopted definitively the statutes of the Ibero-American Network woman and sport, as well as its next action Plan
Ibero-IV Seminar woman and sport in Montevideo (Uruguay)
Organized by the High Council of sports in collaboration with the Spanish Agency of International Cooperation for Development AECID, had
place from 12 to 16 April 2010 and (II hosted the General assembly of the Ibero-American Network woman and Sport
Took place in the civic centre Golferichs in Barcelona (Spain) between 11 and 15 April 2011. Has benefited from the collaboration of
City hall and the council of Barcelona