Call of grants "Universe Woman II" coaching techniques and

Opens the official notification of aid for the programme Universe Woman II, dedicated to spread of sport, designed to techniques and coaches.

This invitation is framed in the agenda Universe dissemination Women's sport, whose lines of action include specialised training, addressed to all the collectives that comprise sport.

Scholarships will be designed to cover the fees of the course of sporting Technical Medium Degree or Higher Degree of disciplines of athletics, badminton, handball, boxing, sports of ice, fencing, football, Hockey, karate, canoeing, Rugby, surfing, table tennis, triathlon, fitness and volleyball.

Query the foundations for eligible for this invitation in section COMPANY AND sport of our website, within the program UNIVERSE WOMAN II. In this section, you will find the application form of aid. The deadline for submission of applications will remain open until 30 June 2020.