Characteristics of facilities

This table summarizes the basic requirements of the modules C.S.D

Exterior Dimensions (m) Free height (m) Exterior dimensions even sidewalks (m) Inside dimensions of track (m) Surface Util (m2) Constructed Surface (m2) No. Of squares of spectators
long x width Height Fixed stands * Stands telescopic Total
Gym M-2 Track 10.81 x 25.08 5.19] 4.00 27,08 21.76 x 10.00 x 24.00 409,08 462,97 --
Changing rooms 7.65 x 25.08 4.00 3.00
School Hall M-3a Track 16.30 x 28,69 7.05 spectator x 30,69 concert 27.00 15,00 x 598,09 682,82 --
Changing rooms 28,69 x 7.50 4.00 3.00
School Hall M-3b Track 21,70 34.27 x 8.93 7,00 32.56 x 38,87 20,50 x 32,70 (+ 19.00 1,501)) 903,41 1.003,43 --
Changing rooms 7.58 x $34.27 4.00 3.00
School Hall M-3bg Track 26,29 34.27 x 9.51 7,00 46,61 37.11 x 24.69 x 32,70 (4,19 2)) 1.120,49 1,248,13 130 + 54) (36)) -- 135
Changing rooms 7.53 x $34.27 4.00 3.00
Access 9.02 x 9.88 4.00 3.00
School Hall M-3c Track 25.18 x 45,58 9,16 7,00 x 47,58 36.09 24.00 x 44.00 (22,00 + 2,001)) 1.325,99 1.449,36 --
Changing rooms 7,61 39.64 x 4.00 3.00
School Hall M-3cg Track 29,82 x 45,58 9.51 7,00 40,74 x 57,98 24.00 x 44.00 (22,00 + 2,001)) (4.54 2)) 1.499,39 1.777,70 200 + 54) (36)) -- 205
Changing rooms 7,61's 39,76 x 4.00 3.00
Access 9.10 x $12.74 5.35 3.00
M-4 Sports Pavilion Track 30,21 x 48,06 10.15 7.50 46,89 67.44 x 27.23 x 46,38 (1,723)) 2.382,09 2.705,40 138 (695) x 26)) 204 + 64) (515) x 46)) 348
Changing rooms 13,58 x 47,81 4.00 3.00
Access 11,32 x 16,46 7.36 3.00 / 3.00
Boilers, E. G. 11.19 x 4.07 3.4 3.00
M-4g Sports Pavilion Track 30,21 x 48,06 10.60 7,60 46,89 x 72,61 27.23 x 46,38 (1,723)) 2.588,73 2.921,95 355 (715) x 56)) 204 + 64) (515) x 46)) 565
Changing rooms 13,58 x 48,06 4.00 3.00
Access 16.34 12,46 x 9,40 4.30 / 3.53
Boilers, E. G. 11.19 x 4,17 4.67 3.00

* Stands telescopic not included in draft

  • Space for panel of judges, mathematical, banquillo4-Plazas for spectators in a wheelchair.
  • Fixed bleachers space (3 rows) and pasillo.5-nº spectator seats by row.
  • Space for bleachers telescopic plegadas.6-nº rows