Sports infrastructure in the CID
The Conference Border of sport is given the existing sharing, the natural place of encounter between the CSD and CCAA, since they are the top players in legislative matters.
Traditionally, sporting infrastructure has not been the subject of debate between the two Administrations. However, the wide variety of initiatives that are being carried out since CSD have caused that this field is becoming more prominence, both in their general aspects, such as legislative and in the specific projects developed and presented in this area.
In this sense, are noteworthy actions that the CSD presented in the III conference, November 2009, primarily related to the theme of security in sporting facilities, as were blamed on II Conference.
It is clear that are the main protagonists CCAA in legislative dictates, given the current system of competence, but it is also true that the CSD cannot set aside a matter of such importance. Therefore, continuing with the principles and fruits of the project MAID, are published the results of the project for the introduction of a system of risk management in sporting facilities, involving the CCAA and municipalities and is available to all the applicatifs necessary for a first test of risk assessment.
It is available the publication done in collaboration of FEMP that revolves around three aspects; writing manuals of good practices (for sports facilities and material resources, human resources and customers and users), support for the drafting of sheets of Technical Requirements (for indoor sports pavements, artificial turf and sporting equipment), and support for the drafting of plans directors of Sports facilities.
Particularly relevant, however, is the presentation of the first type decree regulating basic safety requirements of sportsequipment tracks and sport fields.
This decree establishes basic requirements for the acquisition or commissioning d'equipaments esportius associated with sports facilities for public use, without prejudice to the minimum conditions of approval and standardization d'equipaments esportius rendered in Areas state or Europeans.
This decree does not develop proposals or technical solutions, still plenty of proposals developed by manufacturers or suppliers of sports equipment valid, so that focuses on the definition of safety requirements exigibles, remain the responsibility of the manufacturer, installer, responsible for the acquisition or maintenance of equipment verify that met.
The object of the decree Type is to establish minimum standards of security on the sports center and complementary to the indoor courts indoors and fields, to minimize or eliminate risks that produce accidents, either by a bad installation of equipment or by a misuse or maintaining the same
Are ends of this decree type:
- Ensure minimum conditions of security in the sports equipment establishing criteria for the reception of the same.
- Ensure minimum conditions of security from the perspective of sports through the establishment of recommendations for the use and maintenance of sports equipment.
- Make minimum conditions of security to the supplementary equipment both in use as stored.
In short, it is to provide the CCAA a model of legal framework for them to, if you wish, to incorporate it into its legal system.