
  • Ibero-American council of sport

    The Iberoamerican Council of sport (CID) is an international organization of cone formed around an international treaty with the same name. This was adopted at the summit of Montevideo in November 1994, and consists of government sporting bodies American

  • Ibero-American Congress of sports and recreational facilities

    With the support and the presence of High Council of sports, it has held the first congress Ibero-American sports and recreational facilities in Barcelona, from 19 to 22 October 2009

Iberoamerican Workshop on Sports Infrastructure

Madrid / Zaragoza from 10 to 14 March 2008

The Superior Council of Deportesorganiza unSeminario on infrastructure Deportivasdirigido representatives of Latin American countries, with the objectives of:

  • Share training, knowledge of experiences and specific cases on the planning and implementation of sports infrastructure at the national level.
  • Knowing the corporate sector of sports facilities in Spain through the visit International alsalón Tecnodeporteque is celebrated in Zaragoza.
  • Establish a channel of communication, reflection and sharing around sports infrastructures, between technical officers from this area of the member countries of CID.


Sports infrastructures are one of the pillars of any system deportivo.La planning of its construction and implementation in the area of our countries is one of the most important tasks, given the always limited availability of resources and wide demand that seeks to address.

All kinds of sports infrastructures are important for a country: those that compose the basic network of sports service for the general population, installations devoted to the preparation of athletes of high performance, large infrastructures for events important ones, and also the private sector in the market of sports services, implication that it is necessary to achieve.

In this seminar on Sports Infrastructures, which organizes the Higher Council España- sports intends to conduct an approximation to these items. This has formed a program which combines the didactic exhibition of how addresses technically projects, with the experience to visit and learn about specific cases in operation, promoting widely participation and sharing of experiences among all participants.

Moreover, the coincidence with the celebration of International Technical Hall of sports facilities (SID Tecnodeporte ’ 08), the most important of those held in Spain, in the city of Zaragoza, offers technical officers attendees to see one of the most important international fairs that unites the main representatives of manufacturers of materials and elements for the construction of sports facilities, as well as distributors of equipment for sports halls, gyms, etc. Without a doubt an opportunity to see the latest trends and solutions in the area of Sports infrastructures.

