Good practice manuals and security

Good practice manuals

“ from the culture of collaboration born of the project MAID (Improvement and harmonization of sporting facilities in Spain), from the High Council of sports and the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces, in cooperation with the Institute of Valence biomechanics, has been developed this publication, conceived and developed with the vocation to serve as a basic tool municipal managers to facilitate their daily work and increase the quality of sporting facilities and services that are offered from them, in his role of resource managers for the quality of life of all the agents involved, users, visitors and professionals themselves that it develops its activity.

The content of the publication is the result of the experience and the development of specific projects and studies for all the agents involved in sport in Spain, starting with the General direction of itself sport infrastructures of CSD, the industrial sector of the Spanish sports, business associations representatives of industry, the commission sports the FEMP and supported as technical secretary of Biomechanics institute valence supported in his long career regulatory and researcher in this sector. During recent years, and mainly due to the direct involvement of CSD in the drive and coordination of projects related to sports infrastructures, have developed the channels that have made possible coordination between the CCAA, Local government, businesses, universities and all kinds of entities, strengthening the common vision of improving the quality, safety and accessibility of sporting facilities in Spain, focalizing the work on improving the quality of life of citizens through the improvement of the services offered

The structure that has been given the same, is divided into three clearly differentiated parts:

  1. In the first part includes nine good practice manuals, aimed at three very specific Areas of management such as customer service, the management of human resources and management of material resources.
  2. The second part of the publication includes models of sheets of technical requirements of sports facilities very common at the local level, gathering in the same all the technical recommendations currently existing in the fields unites and AENOR.
  3. The last part of the publication directly affects the planning, with the aim of boosting the drafting of plans Directors of sports facilities, through technical support and the experience of the currently in force throughout the national territory.

Obviously, this document aims to be a tool of support in all stages of the life cycle of a sports facility, from planning to maintaining the same, turning, of course, for the task of your daily management. All, with a view to ensuring sports to “ all persons ” safely, functional and comfortable.

In short, and finally, we have carried out this publication with the clear objective of guide the management and planning of sports infrastructure, from the belief that the fulfilment of its content is firm guarantee of modernity and Quality. ”

Manuals of security in sports facilities

The CSD has published two manuals for improved security in sports facilities. The first one contains basic principles that managers of sports facilities should observe to ensure security. The second takes a compilation of standards and technical specifications of reference concerning security in sports facilities.