Programa Erasmus +

The overall objective of the programme issupport, via lifelong learning, development of education, professional and staff of the people in the areas of education, training, youth and sports, within europe and outside its territoryin order to contribute to sustainable growth, employment and social cohesion, in addition to boosting innovation and to strengthen european identity and active citizenship.

A key instrument fordevelop the european education and support strategic cooperation union in the field of education and trainingwith their corresponding sectoral agendas. In turn, it is essentialto foster cooperation in the field of youth policies in the framework of the eu strategy for youth of and develop 2019-2027 european dimension in sport.


The agendaErasmus +partEu strategy for youth of 2019-2027 periodand in the strategy Rethinking Education, and encompasses all educational initiatives, education, youth andsport.

Erasmus + integrates existing programmes in the lifelong learning programme and also international higher education: Mundus, Tempus, Alpha, Edulink and bilateral programmes, in addition to the Youth in action programme.


This programme, has a clear vocation of internationalization beyond the borders of the eu, by opening up to third countries with a view to improving the capabilities.

It consists of actions in Areas:

  • Mobility of people based on learning;
  • Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;
  • Support for policy reform;
  • Acciones Jean Monnet;
  • Actions in sport;

The actions of the Erasmus + are divided into decentralized actions and centralised actions. The decentralized actions are managed in each country by the national agencies that are appointed by the authorities of that country. The national agency in spain isThe Spanish service for Internationalization of education (SEPIE)under the ministry of education, culture and Sport.

Centralised actions are managed at european levelExecutive Agency for education, Culture, and Audiovisual (EACEA)under the european commission and with headquarters in Brussels. In centralised actions EACEA lies with life-cycle management of the projects, from the design of the conditions and guidelines of the lines of financing, through the selection and evaluation of projects, contacts with the beneficiaries, signing of agreements for their realization, financial management, monitoring, follow-up and dissemination of results.

Actionssportof Erasmus + are centralised actions, therefore, are managed entirely by EACEA.


The actions in collaborative partnership offer the opportunity to develop, transfer and innovative practices in different areas related to sport and physical activity among various organizations and actors, both within and outside of sport.

It is innovative projects with the aim of:

  • Combating doping at the grass-roots level, especially in environments of sport free time and the “ fitness ”;
  • Support the prevention and raise awareness among actors involved in the fight against the rigging of sports competitions;
  • Support prevention educational action and innovative approaches to address violence, racism and intolerance in sport;
  • Support the implementation of the policy documents of the eu, such as recommendations, guidelines, strategies, policies, etc. (for example the guidelines of physical activity in the Eu, the guidelines on Dual Careers by athletes from the eu, the principles of good governance in sport, etc.).

All this with particular focus on sport.

The actions of european sporting events, non-profit involve the allocation of eu subsidies for individual organizations for the preparation, organization of and follow-up to an event finished

These actions support:

  • Implementation in the area of sport, of the strategies of the eu in the areas of social inclusion and equality of opportunity, particularly the gender equality strategy of the eu and the strategy of disability of the eu;
  • The implementation of the guidelines of physical activity in the eu, to promote the participation in sport and physical activity;
  • The organization of the european week of sport.

Equally with particular focus on sport.

Through the calls of the Erasmus + Sport are implemented:

  • Collaborative action in Partnership.
  • Eventos Deportivos Sin ánimo de Lucro.

It is hoped that these actions to promote development, transfer and/or the implementation of innovative practices at european and national level, but also regional and local levels, and which contribute to the development of the european dimension of sport.

The actions in collaborative partnership offer the opportunity to develop, transfer and innovative practices in different areas related to sport and physical activity among various organizations and actors, both within and outside of sport. It is innovative projects with the aim of:

  • Combating doping at the grass-roots level, especially in environments of sport free time and the “ fitness ”;
  • Support the prevention and raise awareness among actors involved in the fight against the rigging of sports competitions;
  • Support prevention educational action and innovative approaches to address violence, racism and intolerance in sport;
  • Support the implementation of the policy documents of the eu, such as recommendations, guidelines, strategies, policies, etc. (for example the guidelines of physical activity in the Eu, the guidelines on Dual Careers by athletes from the eu, the principles of good governance in sport, etc.).

The actions of european sporting events, non-profit involve the allocation of eu subsidies for individual organizations for the preparation, organization of and follow-up to an event finished.

These actions support:

  • Implementation in the area of sport, of the strategies of the eu in the areas of social inclusion and equality of opportunity, particularly the gender equality strategy of the eu and the strategy of disability of the eu;
  • The implementation of the guidelines of physical activity in the eu, to promote the participation in sport and physical activity;
  • The organization of the european week of sport.

The projects "EUMOVE", "i-Protect" "and BADMINTON COURTS FOR ALL" are three projects with the participation of the supreme council for sports and pursue the development of a european platform for the development of strategies and resources to promote healthy lifestyles among teachers, families and students, the protection of minors in sport and the creation of a european network for inclusive Bádminton respectively,


https ://

EUMOVE is a project Erasmus + coordinated by the university of Extremadura, which lasts 3 years, and is developed by 14 academic institutions and non-governmental organizations in spain, Portugal, france, italy, united Kingdom. The direct beneficiaries of the project are the teachers and families, while the indirect beneficiaries of the project are primary and secondary education. All the resources are free and can be found at: https :// lang = en


This project is the development of a european platform for the protection of minors in sport. Involved besides España, as partners through prestigious public institutions or private, Belgium, france, italy, luxembourg, united kingdom. The CSD participates as a partner of this project and the foundation Sport Young person has the role of coordinator.


The project “ B4ALL ” proposes to create a european network in Badminton inclusive. in addition to España Involved as partners through prestigious public or private institutions of Denmark, finland, france, italy, united kingdom. The CSD participates as a partner of this project.


Call for proposals 2024.

This call for proposals covers the following actions of the Erasmus + Sport:

Key action 1 (AC1): mobility for learning

Key action 2 (AC2): cooperation between organizations and institutions

The total budget allocated to the chapter of sport is of sport: EUR 63,12 million

Key actions sport

Plazo for submitting applications

All the time limits for the submission of applications are expressed in brussels time:5 march 2024 to 5 p.m.

The directory is accessible by the Erasmus + for more detailed instructions on the submission of applications.

Further information,

The terms of this call for proposals, including the priorities, are contained in the guide of the Erasmus + 2024 in the following internet address:

The Guide of the Erasmus + forms an integral part of this call for proposals, which fully apply the conditions for participation and funding it.

INFO DAY ERASMUS PLUS: A briefing on 15 february organized by the high council of sports (CSD).

The presentations is available in this page

For further