Error CORRECCIÓN the royal decree 971 / 2007, dated 13 July, on high-level Athletes and high performance.
Warned errors in the Royal Decree 971 / 2007, dated 13 July, on high-level Athletes and high performance, published in the ‘ Official Bulletin of the state ’ number 177 of 25 July 2007, the necessary corrections:
On page 32244, first column, in article 9, paragraph 1 in all places where said: ‘ high-level athletes &Apos;, you must say: ‘ athletes from high level and high performance &Apos;.
In the annex to the Royal Decree, published in the ‘ Official Bulletin of the state ’ number 178 of 26 July 2007, in his section entitled ‘ general criteria of integration of athletes', pages 32437, 32438 and 32439, where said: « championship with participation > 10 countries', you must say: ‘ championship with participation < 10 countries &Apos;.