Sports development centre of Trasona (Asturias)

Trasona reservoir. 33468 Corvera (Asturias)
985 57 40 42
985 57 51 37


Asturias 15 km.
3 km
200 m


Total length of the center
5,874 m2
The Principality of government Asturias
The Principality of government Asturias
Classification date
General Service
Unity Room capacity Number of spaces Direction Period Levels Distance to the residence
Residence 1/2 40 C.E.T.D. Throughout the year
Restaurant 40 Throughout the year 0
Library 20 Throughout the year 0

Medical service
Primary care Analytical General: Electrocardiograms and espirometrias
Test of effort Diagnosis of injuries
Ergometría Test with consumption of oxygen Control and help workouts
Lactatos Test
Sports Facilities
Sports units Direction Dimensions Deck Distance to the residence Owner
Hangars rowing and canoeing C.T.D. 1,174 m2 YES 20 m
Gym C.T.D. 200 m2 YES 20 m
Training Balsa C.T.D. 100 m2 No 20 m
Multisports area C.T.D. 60 x 24 m No 15 m
Course C.T.D. 1.1 x 90 m 10 m
Table tennis hall C.T.D. 820 m2 IF 0
Ergometría room C.T.D. 80 m2 IF 0

Natural spaces of sporting use
Sports units Distance to the residence
Trasona reservoir where it is installed the race course and training 10 m
Sports modalities
Sports Modalities that are developed in the centre Sport Installation Locality
Canoeing Regional Centre Trasona dam Trasona
Oar Regional Centre Trasona dam Trasona
Tennis Regional Centre Trasona dam Trasona