Football 7 FUT-7


The present Regulatory Norm applies to all those fields which are conducted wholly or partly funded by the High Council of sports to practice fútbol-7 and for the Actual competitions of the Spanish football Federation (RFEF). it's jurisdiction of such sports federation the approval of each installation for the organisation of official competitions fútbol-7 at national and international level of national teams. This document has been produced with the purpose of normalizing regulatory aspects of any facility Useful for the practice of this sport, which have been taken into account existing international regulations and has been subjected to consultation of the Real Spanish football Federation.


The playing field is a rectangle of dimensions between the limits listed below:











To facilitate the development of the game and security by players, around the game field will be an obstacle-free space of 1.5 m wide as a minimum, outside the sidelines and outside the lines of target, with the same kind of sports surface that the playing field. It is recommended that the free space after finishing lines of 2.50 m in width.


The route of the game field will comply with lafigura

all the brands will have a maximum of 12 cm in width and it is recommendable that are at least 10 cm, usually white color to distinguish clearly the color of the playing field. The brands in no case shall be made through drills on the playing field.

All lines are part of the surface that delimit.

The paintings and substances that are used to the marking of the field shall not contain toxic chemicals for players and maintainers of the field, is only possible products that the manufacturer and supplier declare and non-toxic in accordance with current legislation and which specifies how to use, as well as the protections required in its use (gloves, protection of the eyes, washing contacts with the skin, etc.). in any case lime (calcium hydroxide) will not be used in any case as it can cause severe burns and irritation in the skin and eyes in contact with it.


Is 15 m at least on the field and the outer bands security.


The longitudinal axis of the field will be N-S preferably, according a variation between NE-SO and NO-SE.


Artificial lighting is uniform and so that does not hinder the vision of the players, arbitral equipment or spectators.

Will have the following minimum levels of horizontal lighting, performance and maximum color glare (GR) in the playing area, according to the criteria of the standard UNE-EN 12193 “ Illumination of sports facilities, ” which is shown below:




Horizontal illuminance





And med (lux) Uniformity

And min / Emed

International and national competitions high level





Regional competitions, training high level





Local competitions, training and recreational





For TV broadcasts of color and recording movies requires a vertical illuminance levels depending on the speed of action and the size of the object, in the above standard UNE-EN 12193, sports have been classified, in this sense, in three groups A, B and C; the fútbol-7 will not be quoted, however by analogy is included in the same group that football 11, the group B. The value of the vertical illuminance varies with distance from the camera to the object, for this line see the chart below:

Vertical lighting level to maintain depending on the maximum distance of stone chambers (UNE-EN-12193)

The illumination must achieve a good chromatic rendering index, for which its performance of color will be Ra ≥ 60 as shown in the table above, however it is recommended that is equal to or greater than 80. Likewise color temperature must be between 4000º K and 6500ºk. For high-definition television (HD) levels are higher demand.

The báculos OR lighting towers will not in any case in the outer bands of security, which shall be free of obstacles. The distribution of the báculos OR the lighting towers will be in two parallel lines to the sidelines to a minimum distance of them 4 m, providing three OR four in each line, placement side of the luminaires provides a good uniformity. to avoid the Dazzle to the doormen and ensure a good lighting of portería and its area, there will be placed lighting báculos in the area between two lines centre has as the midpoint of the finishing line and these lines form an angle of 10 to one side and the other of the finishing line.

The height of the luminaires assembly in the báculos OR lighting towers so that there is no glare, will be at least 15 m, in any case the angle formed by the line that goes from the assembly line of lights to the central line of the field will be at least 25.

When there are stands, the báculos OR towers are installed after them, if permitted stands for its limited seating, or in the four corners, in this case and to avoid the glare of the doormen and ensure a good lighting of portería and your area, will be placed in the opposite side to the countryside consisting of two lines on the center of the finish line and the centre of the line of band, formed fifteenth and 5th respectively with these lines. The angle formed by the line that goes from the assembly line of lights to center field will be at least 25.


Are suitable surfaces of game pitch, natural and artificial grass (Hybrid System), artificial grass and land. In the surface of game will be pitch, however may be artificial turf or hybrid system in competitions, when authorized by the Real Spanish football Federation or the corresponding Sports Organization, where permitted the rules of competition.

In regional competitions, amateur and youth playing surface will be preferably pitch, may be artificial turf when authorized by the Real Spanish football Federation or the corresponding Sports Organization, where permitted the rules of competition.

The playing surface will be flat with slight slope and drainage enough for evacuation of rainwater, will be smooth, without holes and irregularities, soft and abrasive not.

7.1) Playing surface pitch

Playing surface pitch, depending on the field of sporting activity (Local, Arcade, regional, national or international) and intensity of use (low, medium or high) must meet the requirements or quality specifications shown in the standard NIDE FUT- football to the delivery of the field, which will remain in time with the same characteristics through the conservation and maintenance fit.

Previous to achieve the quality standards of the surface sports pitch for football, the build system and vegetation cover (the mixture of species suitable “ Festuca arundinácea ”, “ Poa pratensis ”, “ perennial Lolium ” “ Bermuda ”) must meet the specifications of the aforementioned standard taking into account the climatic conditions where you place the field, the characteristics of the subsoil and level above (baseline, normal or high).

Surfaces natural grass will be an irrigation system, perimetral, preferably automatic and a network of drainage. The automatic watering system meets the requirements of the standard UNE 41952-2 “ Automatic irrigation systems in natural grass surfaces for football and rugby. ” sprinklers that fall within the game field will be buried emerging sprinklers sticking out of the surface pitch only during the irrigation, may carry a lid upper with natural grass for safety, in any case will not risks smooth, carriages or clash of players with its part fixed or mobile. Likewise shall provide a deposit for irrigation also gather from the waters drainage for better use and management of water.

The proceedings of conservation and maintenance of the natural grass area will be for the initial properties sports surface remain with the use and time.

7.2) Playing surface of natural and artificial grass. System or mixed Hybrid.

Playing surface of natural and artificial grass called hybrid systems or mixed, consist of systems that through artificial fibres inserted in the field or synthetic bases porous and moisturizing field widespread, enable the growth of the natural grass between them. These systems are better grass roots natural, greater resistance to stripping of the surface of grass by the action of the boots of the players, greater consistency and regularity of the surface, improve the reduction of forces, avoid compacting the surface, reducing maintenance, etc. These systems are currently under development. Playing surface of natural and artificial grass (Hybrid System or mixed) must meet the same specifications that surfaces pitch indicated in the preceding paragraph.

7.3) Game Surfaces artificial turf

The surfaces of artificial grass just need maintenance and maintenance and have no limits on the number of hours of use as in the pitch, are therefore suitable for training camps and with a degree intense of use.

Game surfaces artificial turf generally consist of a support the fabric which sets and fibres protrude artificial turf, among which is filled with existing space granular materials loose constituted usually by sand and rubber, all this is placed on a base layer that can be agglomerate or zahorras asfaltico compacted. The surfaces of artificial grass game for fútbol-7 often have the characteristics that are shown in the following table:



Padding Height of the fibre

Type of fibre Height

padding (%)
Sand rubber granulate + 40 - 65 Fibrilada /

60 - 80

Game surfaces artificial turf also include sometimes, a layer or intermediate elastic base layer on the basis to improve the reduction of forces in the interaction deportista-superficie sports, thereby achieving a good absorption of impacts, however may not include the specified basis elastic whenever the artificial grass and the filling in of rubber granules provide levels of impact absorption required, however it must consider that with the base elastic the behaviour of the sports area are more evenly over the lifetime of the surface sports. Layers elastic or databases or prefabricated can be “ in situ ”.

The construction of the surface of artificial grass previously required field excavation natural basis eliminating all vegetation and land existing plant, reaching the level of strong and preparing its surface, which will be the basement of construction. When needed to get stuffed perform the required level or to replace inconsistent land stuffed will be made through layers of compacted zahorras for carrying capacity necessary, this layer is called sub-base. On the ground prepared or basement or on the sub-base provides the basis or layer support, for which there are two types of constructions:

- Construction with support layer linked and drainage horizontal: To make a first layer support base layer or not linked through the provision of a layer of compacted zahorras and on it extends a second layer or support base layer asphalt agglomerate linked with a correct planimetry outstanding and towards the perimeter ditches collecting rainwater and / or irrigation horizontal drainage when this layer waterproof, the slopes will exceed 0.5% and less than 1%. On the layer of agglomerated asfaltico is installed, in its case, the layer or elastic base and finally the surface of artificial grass and stuffing. To obtain the necessary and regularly planeidad surface sports, the layer zahorras database and the asphalt agglomerated planimetry will be required.

- Construction with support layer not linked and vertical drainage: Of conducting a layer or support base layer not bound by providing a layer of compacted zahorras and under it a drainage network of collecting rainwater and / or irrigation as this permeable solution. The drainage network is made with drainage ditches filled with filtering facepiece and drainage pipes, also provides a geotextile reed to avoid washing fine material support layer to the drainage ditches. In this case, if it works correctly drainage, is not strictly necessary to provide the slopes on the surface sports. On the layer does not support linked is installed, in its case, the layer or elastic base and finally the surface of artificial grass. To obtain the necessary and regularly planeidad surface sports, the base layer of zahorras and agglomerated asfaltico planimetry will be required.

Regarding the criterion for deciding for one or other construction it should indicate that the constructions with support layer not linked tend to be more economical than the constructions with support layer linked, however could have lower level of dimensional stability because of potential seats if it does not have a good design or have not been considered either the terrain and the place, or have not had a good control of quality of materials and construction. In any case for a correct decision and good design to ensure good behaviour of the surface in the long term, it is advisable to carry out a study geotechnical the available space for the type of soil, their resistance, composition, water content, capacity of drainage, groundwater level and its potential of expansiveness on drying / wetting, as well as other important features. This stage of initial assessment of the site is an essential part of the design.

The surfaces of artificial grass game for fútbol-7 depending on the level of sporting activity (Local, Arcade, regional, national) must meet the requirements or quality specifications shown in the standard NIDE “ FUT- football ” for this type of surfaces, both for type approval in laboratory for testing as “ in situ ”. These specifications will be kept in time with the same characteristics through the conservation and maintenance fit.

For the sand as filler material artificial grass is required:

- Content Can weight 96% 3% CaO

- Form: spherical or rounded edges

- Granulometry: 80% of the weight is between 0.16 mm and 1.25mm

The surfaces of artificial grass will have a band exterior perimetral external bands of security, paved and at least 1 m wide. For preparation of the game field of artificial grass heating function goes unnoticed and doing the surface softer by rubbing, will be fitted with irrigation system, preferably automatic and a drainage perimeter at least with Flumes located in the outer edge of gangs of security and the inner edge of the band perimetral outside. The irrigation system may be using water cannons ready surroundings and outside the outer bands, without sprinklers within the field and, if necessary, placing sprinklers popups buried, outwardly to cover areas where no arrive cannons. The fall of irrigation water does not produce displacement of stuffing for which the slope and water pressure will be the appropriate. Another option is the irrigation system through sprinklers located within the game field, in this case be buried emerging sprinklers, sticking out of the surface of artificial turf only during the irrigation and carry a higher cap with the surface of artificial grass for safety, in any case will not risks smooth, carriages or clash of players with its part fixed or mobile. This option may present risks for players in the medium and long term as well as greater complexity of conservation and maintenance.

7.4) Playing surface of compacted earth

Playing surface of compacted earth are formed by several layers formed by granular mixtures of aggregates of different sizes of grain stabilized by mechanically compacting, usually without substances on linked except water. Playing surface of compacted earth are only acceptable in basic facilities, for recreational use and competitions local and / or regional. Playing surface of land must meet the following requirements:

Uniformity / Planeidad, (mm)

At a distance of 3m
≤ 10
Infiltration / Drainage (mm / h) ≥ 10
Pot of the ball (%)

(Fall from 3 m)
The ball rolling (m) > 10
Hardness (g) > 140
Traction (Nm) ≥ 35
Maximum transversal outstanding (%) ≤ 1

Trials were conducted with test methods that indicates the standard UNE 41951-1 “ sports surfaces pitch ”

Moreover will be seen as follows:

- The pavement of land will not contain toxic substances or harmful to health.

- Their constituents materials should not lead or desteñir persistent stains.

- Must not contain clay materials.

- No grains of larger than 1 mm and the percentage in weight of grains of size between 0.5 mm and 1 mm will be less than 25% to avoid risk of injury by abrasion.

The areas of land will have an irrigation system to improve the hardness of the field and avoid the formation of polvo. and will have a drainage network in case the ground basis is not sufficiently permeable (permeability below 70 mm / h).

The proceedings of conservation and maintenance of the playing surface of compacted earth are essential to maintaining the field in perfect condition avoiding their compaction and irregularities in the same as they would hard, with risk of injury of joints and therefore dangerous for sportsmen. There will be the operations of maintenance and upkeep (Descompactado, grading, input or replacement of the upper layer, etc.) for the initial properties sports surface remain with the use and time.

THE 8: 30PM

The game field of fútbol-7 will be equipped with two goals, are placed in the center of the finishing line, its measures interiors are 2 m high x 6 m wide.

Mark the rules of the Real Spanish football Federation and the requirements of resistance and stability that indicates the standard UNE EN-748 “ goals ” assembly, installation and maintenance will be conducted in accordance with the instructions that will facilitate the manufacturer. The goals will have the documentation that indicates that meet the requirements of stability and resistance of the aforementioned standard, as well as the name of the manufacturer.

Portería consists of framework, retaining elements of the network and the network.


The framework is composed of the poles and the crossbar, built out of the same material (steel, light metalls or plastic) non-corrosive materials or protected from corrosion.

Will be preferably semicircular circular section or elliptical, square or rectangular section will have the rounded corners with a radius of 3 mm at least. The maximum dimension of the cross-section will be 12 cm and minimum 10 cm, the poles and the crossbar will have the same section, its maximum dimension will be the same as that of the finish line. See figure

The goalposts must be firmly fixed to the ground through magazines in concrete blocks, in case of portería is portable will have a framework to soil with anchoring system to the field that will roll security or a fixed counterweight, likewise, we will roll security, this system can include lateral wheels within the framework to soil to facilitate the transfer of portería. You can also use goals for laterally folding transversal fields, so that the free stop pandering band field security chief, such systems have axes anchored in concrete blocks, wheels for the Shift and elements of fixing system for the position of juego.Cualquier solution will comply with the requirements of resistance and stability that requires the rule set out above UNE EN-748.

Between the poles and the bars of the framework to soil, if any, should not be free space. The cross-section of the framework to ground it will stick out of the poles and will be rounded with a radius of at least 30 mm.


Mesh panel, can be with threads of natural or synthetic fibres, the diameter of the thread is 2 mm at a minimum, the width of the screen will be a maximum of 12 cm.


The network should be fixed to the poles and the crossbar without being tense to prevent the ball that penetrates her to bounce outside and so that the ball cannot pass through some space between it and markers.

The fasteners of the network to the poles and the crossbar must be designed so that can not harming the players, for it requires openings do not exceed 5 mm and not be used steel hooks.

The network may be subject superiormente by a rope supports fixed at masts or similar elements at a distance of each pole of 1 m in the sense of the finish line and 2 m perpendicularly.

The network should be set to the ground (string or burdened by fixing points not sticking out of the surface of the field) or the rear framework to soil, to prevent the ball pass through its, in any case will not hinder the goalkeeper.

When using rear brackets for the network these do not sobresaldrán the framework of portería.

The system of subjection will be such that a ball entering portería cannot bounce in the constituent parts of the same.


Spherical formed by a deck of leather or synthetic material suited. you have a circle between 66 and 62 cm, a weight between 390 g and 340 g and pressure – 0.4 0.6 atmospheres (400 - 600 g / cm ²) at sea level, at the beginning of the match. These are not used in their construction materials that could constitute a danger to players.


In every corner of the field is placed a pole with a banner, the pole will not be pointed and its height is 1.00 m at least.V

At each end of the middle of the countryside optionally can be placed at a minimum distance of 1 m outside the line of band.


Banks to players reservations, technical etc. will be placed parallel to the line of band and a minimum distance of this band of 2 m. Likewise will be uploaded to a minimum distance of 5 m from the half way line. It is recommended that have support.

Banks must be at the level of the playing surface and not below it. Intended dimensions of bank for a minimum of 7 people sitting or to the number that indicates the rules of competition. Banks must be protected from the weather or objects launched by viewers, if any, this can be transparent material provided it meets their role effectively. Will be placed so that are not accessible to viewers.

Banks can be fixed or removable, if removable or mobile should be firmly fixed to the ground during its use for security reasons.


Banks to Referees moves between the two banks of players, aligned with them and in the extension of the middle of the countryside.

The banks of arbitrators will be at the level of the playing surface and not below it. Will have protection against the weather and / or objects launched by viewers, if any, this can be transparent material provided it meets their role effectively. Will be placed so that are not accessible to viewers or impede the vision of the same.

Intended dimensions of bank for 3 people sitting in national sports competitions.

Banks can be fixed or removable, if removable or mobile should be firmly fixed to the ground during its use for security reasons,

The requirements of this point are mandatory in national and sports competitions are recommended in other competitions.


The marker will be placed in a situation of perfect visibility for referees, players and public. The bookmark indicate the time of the meeting, the names of the teams and goals valid according to originate.



In fields of fútbol-7 without facilities for spectators, to prevent the loss of balls and the risk of balonazos, there must be a perimetre enclosure at high enough outside the bands of security. The perimetre enclosure at, may consist of metal mesh or networks galvanised metal poles and will impact resistant of balls, the metal elements will be resistant to corrosion and will take at least a height of 6 m in after finishing lines and 2 m on the sidelines. When there are facilities for spectators perimeter shopping will not be installed on the sides with stands or available on the stands if its altitude is less than 6 m after finishing lines or 2 m after the sidelines until completing such heights respectively. When the perimeter curtain separates the game field of other property or street, it is recommended to have an enclosure rigid whose height after finishing lines and broadband will be at least 6 m respectively. In any case will assess the risks of output of balls adjusting the height of the perimetre enclosure at to avoid that risk.


In fields with facilities for spectators, to protect players from objects launched by the public and stop balls, will be judged the placement of networks after finishing lines outside gangs of external security. The networks will have a maximum mesh width of 5 cm x 5 cm, will be black, will be suspended throughout the width of the pitch, will have a minimum height of 6 m, you will arrive until the soil and will not be suspended ceilings to avoid rebounds.


Fútbol-7 fields will be surrounded by a fence surroundings or handrails 1 m to 1.10 m in height, sets the soil, which will aim to separate the playing field of the area for spectators. In competitions and Child trainings of boys and girls aged 10 and minors, to reduce the risk of stroke by impact of the head or neck of boys and girls against the handrails of the fences located after finishing lines to distance less than 2.50 m from the finishing line, said handrails must have an element of protection that will provide a cushioning (impact Absorption) not exceeding 500 m / s ² (50g), according to test method UNE IN 913, annex V.


In sports facilities where you go to hold national competitions high-level, the sport installation will require installation of loudspeakers.

The public address system should allow its use in emergencies and is designed to make automatically warnings in case of emergency, both athletes and spectators.


The players and the doormen used obligatorily shin under stockings, according to the rules of the game, these should be of a proper material which offers them protection. The shin as a team of individual protection mark the harmonised 13061:2010 UNE-EN. “ protective Clothing. Shin for footballers. Requirements and testing methods ”.

Moreover may use other protective equipment that are not dangerous for the rest of players. These may be protectors of head, face masks, protectors back, knee and goalkeeper gloves. The goalkeeper like gloves individual protective equipment mark the harmonised 16027:2012 UNE-EN Protective clothing. Gloves to protect doormen of football.



It will be available, at least two independent dressing rooms, one for each team, which must be separated from the spaces for the public and next to the playing field. The dressing rooms have zone of linen change with banks and hangers, showers area with space for drying and area with toilets flushing and cabins washbasins, and will have the possibility to be locked.

The dressing rooms have independent entrances from other areas since the playing field, each costumes will not scheduled for a minimum of 15 users for basic levels up to 25 users to high level.

The dressing rooms have the following characteristics:

• area of linen change players, equipped with fixed banks with a minimum length 0,65m / user, or cupboards hangers cloakroom and slate.

• massage with at least two stretchers for massage, with ice machine and fridge.

• area of showers, given food and waterproof, with a minimum of 6 not showers and recommended 10 showers.

• area of toilets (minimum 2, 3 recommended), urinary (minimum 2, 3 recommended), toilets with mirrors (minimum 2, 5 recommended) and hairdryers (minimum 2, 5 recommended).

The rest of features of these spaces is as described in paragraph vestuarios-aseos of the standard NIDE “ big and athletic Fields. ” high-level facilities are available coaches room next to each of the dressing rooms of equipment, with bank, or cupboards hangers cloakroom, blackboard, toilet, sink and shower.

For security reasons must have the output of players from changing the game field of a protective tunnel stands for the spectators, who may be extensible.


A costume will be available to Umpires, which may be used, when there are no competition, as costumes of coaches, monitors or teachers, and will have the possibility of being locked. This costume area will change with banks and clothes hangers, showers area with space for drying and area with toilets flushing and cabins washbasins. In high-level competition area sports will change as a minimum for 4 people. In the same costumes or annex to it will have an area for drafting of records, reports, etc. with the appropriate furnishings. The characteristics of these spaces is as indicated in the standard NIDE “ big and athletic Fields ” in subparagraph vestuarios-aseos.

For security reasons must have the output of arbitrators since blamed game field of a protective tunnel stands for the spectators, who may be extensible.


Available so that the access to it from the playing field is easy and will have a quick exit towards the outside on emergency vehicles for evacuation of rugged, injured or sick. The spaces of movement and doors will have sufficient width to the passage of stretchers, the corridors will have a minimum width 2.25 m and doors 2,20 m. Will be equipped with a table for exploration, camilla, a table, desk, armchair, a wardrobe boutique, dark and the team of medical equipment necessary for first aid. The first-aid room must be available for both athletes and to the public if there is no specific to the public. In competitions of professional category there will be a differentiated nursing for spectators with similar characteristics. The rest of features will be as described in paragraph vestuarios-aseos of the standard NIDE “ big and athletic Fields ”.


There will be a warehouse of sports equipment of sufficient size to save football sports equipment may be closed and locked. Will have easy access or directly from the playfield smoothly, it will meet the requirements of the standard NIDE “ big and athletic Fields ”.



Spaces are designed for persons responsible for the administration of the sport installation. Its size will agree with the size of the sport installation that it serves. It will meet the requirements of the standard NIDE “ big and athletic Fields ”.


The staff locker will be a size according to the number of people involved in the preservation, maintenance and preparation of the game field, cleaning, maintenance of technical facilities, etc. These changing rooms will be separated from the Area of changing rooms of sportsmen and Arbitrators.


There will be a warehouse or warehouses for machinery, utensils, products, etc. conservation and maintenance of the game field and sport installation with sufficient dimensions may be closed and locked. Will have easy access or directly from the playfield smoothly, it will meet the requirements of the standard NIDE “ big and athletic Fields ”.


In large sporting facilities will be a reception area and stay of authorities and personalities, who will be located near the gallery to authorities antepalco mode.

Likewise available parking places with access differentiated and direct entrance to the interior of the installation and near the reception area.


In large sports facilities where you develop important sports events will include spaces for the representatives of the media and installations require.requieren, these spaces are separated from areas of spectators and with independent access.

For high-level competition, likewise, requires that the sports facility available differentiated entry for media with reception area and the following spaces.

• Galleries for the press Booths.

• cabins for commentators radio and TV.

• spaces for TV cameras.

• work rooms of media.

• press conference room.

• living room working Room for the press.

• mixed area allow representatives of the media speak and / or interviewing players.

• reserved parking for media.

The characteristics and requirements of those spaces are shown in the standard NIDE Fútbol-fut


The spaces for viewers will see sports competitions that take place and have the necessary auxiliary spaces such as: lobby / s access with area and posters of information, access control, lockers, bar – cafeteria, bathrooms, cloakroom, etc.

For viewers spaces are designed and constructed so that are accessible to people with disabilities in a non-discriminatory, independent and safe. Be reserved places for Disabled Guests (1 for wheel chairs for every 100 seats or fraction) and comply with national regulations, regional and local to the effect. The spaces for spectators would meet the requirements of Building standards (CTÉ) and other relevant regulations, especially public spectacles, accessibility and fires. Furthermore these spaces would meet the requirements of the standard NIDE “ Big and Athletic Fields ”.

The sports facilities for fútbol-7 must have independent access to players and referees different from those of public, so that they can not enter into direct contact with the spectators.

All locations for spectators will be fixed seating the stands. In professional competitions will be numbered seats, and with support of 30 cm and preferably a seat pane. However in other competitions, as required by the authorities of prevention of violence in sport, also numbered seats available for all viewers. The entries will be the norm UNE-EN 13200-4 “ Facilities for spectators. Seats ”

Marking the sport installation must facilitate accessing stands sectors or the rest of spaces assistants (toilets, escalators, elevators, nursing, areas of restoration, etc.). So will the orientation toward the exits are ordinary conditions or emergency. The size and characteristics of marking and pictograms should be easily recognizable by any spectator.

The No viewers anticipate depends on the level and the character of the sporting event, as well as the number of inhabitants of the town where is located the installation.

In addition to the above the spaces for spectators would meet the requirements of the standard NIDE “ big and athletic Fields ” For high level competitions, offices shall be dedicated to the.


Sporting facilities for football are designed and constructed so that are accessible to disabled, in a non-discriminatory, independent and safe. Have an exterior pathway accessible to the installation and itineraries accessible to the playfield, auxiliary sporting spaces (Changing Rooms, nursing, etc.) and spaces for spectators. These sports areas, assistants and will be accessible for viewers, mark the accessibility criteria listed in the standard NIDE “ Fields Large and Athletics ” as well as national regulations, regional and local. It is recommended that meet the requirements of standards UNE of “ accessibility ”.


- Goalposts 2016 / 2017. “ IFAB ” (International Football Association Board)

- General Regulation. Right Spanish football Federation.

- General Regulation of the national football League.

- Quality programme FIFA (Fédération Internationale de Football Association)

- Law 19 / 2007 against violence, racism, xenophobia and intolerance in sport.

- Rules for the prevention of violence, racism, xenophobia and intolerance in sport. (R. D. 203 / 2010)

- Rules UNE-EN “ surfaces and sports installations, ”

- Rules “ UNE-EN Lighting of sports facilities ”

- Rules UNE-EN “ Facilities for spectators in sports facilities ”

- Rules UNE “ accessibility ”