Small tracks

This rule is applicable in all those tracks small made wholly or partly funded by the council for sports and for the holding of federal competitions at national level, it could serve as a reference to the design and construction of sports facilities that do not meet the above-mentioned requirements.

This project lists the conditions for planning, design and technical conditions of materials, systems and facilities in respect of the outdoor sports facilities so-called small tracks, suitable for the practice of the following:

  • Basketball
  • The ‘ Minibasket ’
  • Handball
  • Paddle
  • Balonmano-Playa
  • Ice-skating
  • Fútbol-playa
  • Pelota-frontón
  • Football
  • Tennis
  • Bubble Hockey
  • Tenis-Playa
  • Hockey
  • Volleyball
  • Hockey online
  • Vóley-playa

As well as physical education in schools and all those sports or sport modalities that could be incorporated if considered suitable for small tracks. The practice of these sports will be as much as federal sports competition, recreational sport for all and/or school sport.

The rules of each of these sports or sports specialities are separate document of the present rule.

Fall outside the scope of this standard, the draft covered facilities and closed Useful for the practice of any of the sports cited, most of which are reflected in the rule of the project “ SP-Salas and Flags ”