José Manuel Franco: “ the new Sports act will open the spectre of clubs and sports companies obtain access to the professional competition ”

The president of the CSD, José Manuel Franco, appeared today in the committee on culture and Sport of the senate to explain the broad lines of action

The president of the CSD has broken down the legal reforms currently underway and value the new law on sports, “ which will empower the sports ecosystem as a standard useful and effective, will mark the new guidelines for the coming decades and redefine associations and the role to play by the public authorities ”

José Manuel Franco has placed sport and health as “ strategic area of public policies ” and sports has highlighted the government's commitment to the promotion and defence of de facto equality between men and women in sport

The five million euros for increased regular budget of the CSD therefore will be allocated Entirely to the development of the league football, the first with professionalism in spain and the result of the government's commitment to policies on equality in sport

Madrid, 11 november 2021.-The president of the supreme council for sports (CSD), José Manuel Franco, appeared today in the committee on culture and Sport of the senate to explain the overall performance of his agency and to make the diagnosis obtained after the first three months of its mandate.

In his statement, the secretary of state for sports has broken down the legal reforms undertaken by the CSD, among which, together with the new sports act includes a bill on combating doping in sport, a bill of the professions of sport, the regulation of mandatory insurance for athletes and royal decree on high-level and high performance.

In the words of José Manuel Franco, “ a comprehensive plan of policy reforms that will help to devise a new model with greater legal certainty and equip it to the legal system of sport for greater coherence and effectiveness ”.

Between the legislative initiatives, the president of the CSD has highlighted the new law on sports. “ We have heard and discussed the demands and concerns of all groups, since we believe that the magnitude of the challenge demands a common response. Before the end of the year will know and discuss with parliament the final Draft bill of sports, which will mark the new guidelines in the coming decades, redefine associations and the role to play by the public authorities ”, has assured.

José Manuel Franco has reminded us that the new law “ gives the possibility of participation in professional competitions both sports clubs and sports companies, opening the spectrum of partnerships that can access the competition, and avoiding duplication of those which have risen by sporting merit being disabled to participate in the competition always guarantees of solvency and financial control on clubs ”.

The text of the new law expressly recognizes the right to physical activity and sport, both the right of athletes to the development of their working activity such as the promotion of sport practised by citizenship. The new regulatory framework will contain the legal definition of the individual athlete, listing their rights and obligations of a statute of the sportsman and an ample catalogue that will provide legal security and sportsmen.

In addition, the regulation will establish a clear distribution of competences, establishing the functions of the supreme council for sports to increase its powers of control. It will redefine the powers delegated to the spanish sports federations and other entities to contemplate the need for transparency, good governance and corporate social responsibility sports institutions.

The text also contains provisions to ensure de facto equality between men and women within the sport, with special emphasis on a scale as the vulnerability faced by pregnant women athletes. On the other hand, they will be fought against any discrimination that affect the rights of the group of people, as LGBTI express recognition of the public authorities to a diverse and pluralistic society.

Football, “ locomotive ” of women's sports

José Manuel Franco has highlighted the government's commitment to the promotion and defence of de facto equality between men and women in sport. A compromise that is materialized in the declaration of professional female first-class spanish football.

“ we want the exercise of locomotive football's sport as a whole. That is why this year, we will devote the entire increase the regular budget to the implementation of the league football mutilation ”, has assured.

The five million increase in the regular budget of the supreme council for sports will be allocated entirely to the implementation of the female professional league football matches. This competition as recodado secretary of state, “ the agreement establishing all clubs members, which should submit a proposal Only statutes for validation ”.

Sport and health as a strategic axis

“ the main conclusion that we draw from this as a society of the world stage that has generated the COVID-19 is that sport and health must walk inexorably hand in hand. Sport and health must be configured as a strategic area of public policies in the coming decades ”, has assured José Manuel Franco, while has reminded us that “ every euro invested in physical activity prevents up to 15 euros of health expenditure ”.

In this regard, the council for sports works in articulating a national strategy for sport and habits.

Historical budget to 2022

In reference to the budget of the CSD for next year, José Manuel Franco has stressed that they were “ historic allocation as never before had made a strong commitment by the sports sector in Spain ”.

The CSD will have eur 315 million, with eur 208 million of regular budget and 107 million euros collected in the recovery Plan, resulting in a total increase of 25 per cent from 2021.

The convening of annual aid to the sports federations amounts to eur 55.8 million, almost three billion more than in the current budget. It also deals with an increase of more than 50 per cent in aid to sports federations of school age. Furthermore, it includes an increase of 12.5 per cent planned strength for the national programme to assist sports canoe sportspersons younger and the detection of talents.

The year 2022, without olympic games and paralympic games, the Spanish Olympic Committee (COE) be broadened grant 378 per cent by 2020, while the Spanish Paralympic Committee (SCE) triple assignment with respect to the last olympic year.

According to José Manuel Franco, “ it is time to transform our model of sport under the path that the european union views towards ecological transition and structural digitization of the sector, with the aim of creating sustainable jobs and sustainable and to continue to retain a real and effective equality in access and development of sports, from the base, the professionalism ”.

“ Since the CSD working for and by the momentum of sport, assuming the enormous responsibility for designing a successful future where sport develops a prominent role in the country's recovery. And we do so because we believe in it, we truly believe in sport as a catalyst for social, and a fundamental element of human development ” has concluded.