Observatory for equality in sport


The functions of the observatory for equality in sport:

a) Actuar as a permanent organ of collection and analysis of the information available in different national and international sources on gender equality and equal opportunities in the area of sport, and on equality of the high-level sportsmen and women with disabilities, including the commitments and policies of the european union in this area and the actions of momentum.

(b) Recabar information on measures and activities undertaken by actors Deportivo Español.

(c) Realizar follow-up to the actions that could be addressed in the area of gender equality and opportunities in the system Deportivo Español, as well as in the field of equality of the high-level sportsmen and women with disabilities.

(d) the equality plans of the sports federations and the results of its annual monitoring.

(e) Obtener and disseminate information to improve knowledge of the actions that could be addressed in all Deportivo Español, in the protection of minors, preventing and combating mobbing and sexual harassment and in the field of sport, including gender-based violence.

(f) Facilitar the observatory for equal opportunities between women and men of the institute of women and equal opportunities for information on the actions undertaken.

(g) Promover studies and technical reports of the situation of women in sport, including athletes and techniques in Spain.

(h) Informar all matters that are brought to its approach on gender equality and equal opportunities and equality of the high-level sportsmen and women with disabilities in the system Deportivo Español, referred by the ministerial departments involved in the observatory, as well as those matters that the observatory considered relevant.

(i) Proponer the adoption of measures and actions for gender equality and equal opportunities and the removal of barriers that impede the equality of the high-level with disabilities, by agents of Deportivo Español System, including through affirmative action.

(j) Proponer measures and actions to prevent abuses and violence (including sexual abuse) against women athletes.

(k) Promover studies and proposals for support for the transit of the sport career for other jobs once the sport life.

(l) Cualesquiera other functions that contribute to the fulfilment of its objectives, as well as assigned by the ministry of culture and sport in this area.

These functions are exercised in collaboration and without prejudice to the competence of the state statistical services.

Meetings of the observatory