Authorization to purchase more than 25% of the shares of a S.A.D.
Any natural or legal person who wants to buy shares of a Sports Company (S.A.D.) or values that can give right directly or indirectly to your subscription or acquisition so that, together with those who possesses, go to possess a share in the total of voting rights of society than or equal to 25%, you must obtain authorisationpreviewthe High Council of sports.
- Electronic processing of the procedure deautorización of purchase of more than 25% of the shares of a S.A.D.
- Download model form of the request for authorization.
The authorization request, duly signed, will contain in any case:
to)The identification of the acquirer and the transferor. In the event that the acquisition or transmission occurs through controlled companies or others, will identify who appear as customers, or holders transmitentes direct actions. If the request is made by whoever acquires by other account, will indicate this circumstance.
(b)The identification of the sport in company whose capital is planned to acquire and actions or values object of the acquisition.
(c)The identification of acquisitions or broadcasts and the percentage possessed or remaining in power of the applicant after the acquisition.
d)The identification of the natural or legal persons, with whom es projecti conclude an agreement or convention as a result of which the circumstances object of the authorization, indicating the concrete involvement of each speaker and other essential elements of the same.
Should also enclose the following documentation:
to) shareholder structure until the degree of physical person, if the applicant is a legal person.
(b) notarial act of demonstrations or statement responsible for the acquirer did not incur any prohibitions to purchase shares Article 23 of the law 10 / 1990 of sport and Article 17 of R.D. 1251 / 1999.
The High Council of sports denied, reasoned resolution, the authorization in cases of prohibition specified in Article 17 of R.D. 1251 / 1999 and when the acquisition may alter, distort or alter the normal development of professional competition in which society to participate.
If no resolution was notified within three months, means authorization.
The authorization or denial of the authorization will appear in the register of Significant Holdings.