
The creation by the law 10 / 1990, 15 October, sport, and its subsequent modification under the law 50 / 1998 of 30 December, fiscal measures, administrative and Social order of the figure of the sports company, claimed the establish a model of economic and legal responsibility for clubs develop professional activities that assimilate to the rest of entities that take this legal type, allowing, likewise, a future price for their actions in stock markets and, simultaneously, establish a system of administrative control over the shareholders and accounting of these societies, in order to ensure the purity of the competition and protect public interests and potential investors.

Therefore, clubs, or their professional teams, participating in sports competitions professional officers and state level should hold the legal form of sports company, with small singularities regarding the general regime of public companies, as the power participate only in official competitions professionals from a single sport, the delimitation of its social object to participation in sports competitions of professional and, in its case, the promotion and development of sporting activities, as well as other activities related to or resulting therefrom, certain limitations to self-transmissibility of actions and finally a series of obligations to provide information an accountant shareholder and both the High Council of sports as the Professional Leagues.