For sports policy

* Modification of the titles of TDS fencing, horse riding, sailing with fixed gear, sailing with free gear, Judo and Personal defence, and lifesaving and rescue
Lessons regulated by the "1913/1997 of 19 December, which are configured as teachings of special regime the leading to sports technical degrees, adopts general guidelines of titles.
Training plans

Training plans under the command EDU/3186/2010, of 7 December, regulating curricular aspects, general requirements and effects of training activities sports, referred to in the first interim provision of the royal decree 1363/2007 of 24 October.

Federative formations

Galicia: order of 27 June 2014 which regulates for the Autonomous Community de Galicia the recognition procedure formations sporting/as coaches in the form of football, undertaken between 15 July 1999 and 9 November 2007. (DOG 9 July)

Scholarships and grants