High performance
In the development of the law of sport 1990, the Royal Decree 1467 / 1997 of 19 September, on high-level athletes and, subsequently, the order of 14 April 1998, amending the annexes to the previous, regulated the criteria around which was acquired the status of high-level sportsman, and building measures associated with this quality, with the intention of improving the insertion in society, and facilitate the dedication to the top-class sport of those who exercised and are equipped with this rating of sportsmen high level.
However, the thread of the social and legislative changes which have taken place in recent years, it is necessary to revise these measures, in order to update, expand existing some and promoting new ones, to facilitate further technical preparation of the high-level athletes and their full integration in the educational system, and social life and work, both during their sport, as well as afterwards.
This renewal, claimed by various institutions and sports agents, has led to a reflection on the changes to be taken as a priority, taking into consideration, mainly, the report of the special committee of the Senate, “ on the status of sportspersons at the end of his career sports ”. Similarly, the Organic Law 2 / 2006 of 3 May, education, which allows for building measures the formation of athletes who remain high yield programs, has meant a reference imperative.
These contributions, translate into this rule that replaces the aforementioned Royal Decree 1467 / 1997 and its annexes, modified by the order of 14 April 1998.
The purpose of this rule is to establish the conditions, requirements and procedures for the qualification of high-level sportsmen and high-performance, as well as measures to promote in both integration into different formations of the educational system, and in the case of high-level sportsmen, establish another type of measures to promote devotion for top-level sport, its technical preparation, as well as the insertion into the labour and social life.
Addresses the definition of top-level, as well as the high-performance athlete, for the purposes of implementation of support measures envisaged in terms of studies, with the goal of expanding the beneficiaries of such measures.
It also promotes innovatively extending the flexibility measures and adaptation in the educational system, to different areas of those already included in the previous standard, and that relate to compulsory secondary education and higher, the baccalaureate, education for adults, OR the teachings Of art.
Other relevant measures are extending the duration of the status of high-level sportsman, which will be 5 and 7 years, according to the cases, the equation of top-level with physical disabilities, intellectual or sensory or mental illness to other high-level athletes, and the inclusion of new sports competitions in which you can access the status of sportspersons high level. All these measures are reflected in this Royal Decree and are complemented with other contained in industry standards, such as the development of the law of income tax of individuals or regulatory statute of public service.
On the other hand, are sorted and clarify sporting criteria for access to the status of high-level athletes, as defined in Annex of this Royal Decree.
Likewise, with the purpose of providing greater efficiency and agility to work and procedures of the evaluation Committee of top-level sport, it constitutes the Technical Sub-up to High Level dependent on that, joining the evaluation committee, new members, representatives of institutions whose support for the sportsman of high level is of particular relevance.
Finally, it creates within the High Council of sports, a support service to the sportsman of High Level, which comprehensively addressed the attention and dedication specific sports Administration wishes to give the top-level sport during its life and at the end of the same, in coordination with institutions and entities involved.
In his virtue, on the proposal of the Minister of Education and Science, with the approval of the minister of public administrations, according to the state council and after deliberation of the council of ministers in his
meeting on 13 July 2007,
Article1.- Object
Is the object of this Royal Decree the definition of top-level sport, as well as the development of some aspects related to high-level sportsmen and high-performance, under the law 10 / 1990, 15 October, sport, and in the Organic Law 2 / 2006 of 3 May, education, respectively.
Article 2.- definition of top-level sport, athletes from high level and sportsmen of high performance.
1. For the purposes of this Royal Decree, it is considered top-level sport sports that is of interest to the state, whereas is an essential factor in the development of sport, by the stimulus that represents for the promotion of sport basis, and by its representative function of Spain in evidence or sports competitions officers of international character.
2. Will Be high-level athletes who fulfil the criteria and conditions defined in Articles 3 and 4 of this Royal Decree, are included in the resolutions adopted by the secretary of the council Estado-Presidente Senior Sports, encolaboración with Spanish sports federations and, in its case, with the Autonomous Communities. The high-level athlete will remain until the loss of that status as provided in Article 15 of this Royal Decree.
3. Without prejudice to the competence of the Autonomous Communities shall have the status of high performance athletes and apply the measures provided for in Article 9 of this Royal Decree, under the follow-up studies, those athletes with license issued or certified by Spanish sports federations, meet Any of the following conditions:
to) that have been selected by the different Spanish sports federations, to represent Spain in official competitions in absolute category, in at least one of the last two years.
(b) that have been selected by the different Spanish sports federations, to represent Spain in official competitions in international age categories below the absolute, in at least one of the last two years.
(c) that are classified as athletes high performance or equivalent by the Autonomous Communities, in accordance with its rules. The support measures arising from this condition is spread by a maximum of three years, beginning from the day following the date on which the Autonomous Community last issued the status of high-performance athlete or equivalent of the individual.
d) to continue programs protected by Spanish sports federations in places of high performance recognized by the High Council of sports.
e) to continue programs for technicization protected by Spanish sports federations, including in the national programme for technicization esportiva developed by the Superior Council of Sports.
(f) to continue programs for technicization protected by Spanish sports federations.
(g) to continue programs protected by the Autonomous Communities or autonomous sports federations, centres for technicization recognized by the High Council of sports.
The conditions described in the preceding paragraphs represent different levels deportivos, granting preference, regarding the implementation of these support measures, sportsmen included in subparagraph (a) on the b), the b) on (c), the c) on the d), and so on.
In any case, in order to obtain the support measures under Article 9 of this Royal Decree, preference will be qualified athletes and high level by the secretary of the council Estado-Presidente senior sports, as defined in paragraph 2 of this article.
The accreditation of the rating of high-performance athlete will be done by the High Council of sports or the autonomous community, as appropriate.
Article 3. Requirements for the acquisition and accreditation of the status of sportsman high level.
1. The secretary of Estado-Presidente of Higher Council of sports credited the status of top-level, to those whose performance and sorting puts them among the best in the world or Europa, according to the selective criteria set forth in the present royal decree and its annex, on the proposal of the Technical Sub-up under Article 8 of this Royal Decree.
2. The resolutions of the secretary of the council Estado-Presidente Senior Sports that recognize the status of high-level athlete will appear in the ‘ Official Bulletin of the state ’.
3. They cannot access the status of sportspersons high level:
to) Those athletes who are not taxpayers of income tax of individuals and have their fiscal residence in a country or territory regarded as a tax haven. To this end, athletes who are not taxpayers of income tax of individuals must certify the country in which have their residence prosecutor by submitting a residence certificate issued by the competent tax authorities of that country.
(b) sportsmen whose results, even fulfilling the criteria under the present royal decree, they have been obtained representing a different country in Spain.
(c) sportsmen who lack the Spanish nationality, and competing in representation of Spain by permitting the rules of the corresponding international Sports Federation, not with residency status in Spain pursuant to Organic Law 4 / 2000 of 11 January on the rights and freedoms of foreigners in Spain and their social integration, and its implementing regulations.
Article 4. Evaluation criteria for access to the condition sportsman high level.
1. May obtain the status of top-level athletes with state or federal license licensed certified autonomous, participate in competitions organised by the International Federations regulators of each sport or by the International Olympic Committee, and without prejudice to what can be agreed exceptionally for the evaluation Committee of top-level sport, meet the required criteria in the annex to the present royal decree, as belonging to any of the following groups:
Group: athletes from absolute category, participating in modalities and / or Olympic tests.
Group B: athletes from absolute category, participating in modalities and / or evidence Olympic not defined and organized by the International Federations in which are integrated Spanish federations.
Group (C: athletes of categories below the absolute (between 22 and 15 years) involved in modalities and / or Olympic tests.
Group D: athletes of categories below the absolute (between 22 and 15 years) involved in modalities and / or evidence Olympic not defined and organized by the International Federations in which are integrated Spanish federations.
Group And: athletes of categories below the absolute (between 20 and 15 years) involved in modalities and / or Olympic evidence of categories absolute.
Group F: athletes of categories below the absolute (between 20 and 15 years) involved in modalities and / or evidence Olympic not absolute categories, defined and organized by the International Federations in which are integrated Spanish federations.
2. All groups specified in the previous section will be structured in turn, depending on the type of test that competes the sportsman, type of actions which are valued and, in the case of the Olympic not evidence, also depending on the number of countries participating in the competition. This structure is established in the annex to the present rule.
Article 5. Athletes with physical disabilities, intellectual or sensory or mental illness.
Will be considered as athletes from high level athletes with state or federal license licensed certified autonomous, with physical disabilities, intellectual or sensory or mental illness which satisfy any of the following requirements:
To) on the assumption patterns or individual sports tests, who have been classified among the top three in any of the following competitions: the Paralympic Games, championships of the world championships of Europa its specialty, organized by the International Paralympic Committee, by the European Paralympic Committee, or by the international federations affiliated to the International Paralympic Committee.
(B) on the assumption patterns or testing sports of equipment, who have been classified among the top three in any of the following competitions: the Paralympic Games, championships of the world championships of Europa their speciality organized by the International Paralympic Committee, by the European Paralympic Committee, or by the international federations affiliated to the International Paralympic Committee.
Article 6. Proposal for high-level athletes.
1. The Spanish sports federations presented before the Technical Sub-up, in standard model, the proposal of athletes that are candidates to be considered as high-level athletes for having the required results for that, in accordance with the criteria established in this royal decree and its annex. Also, be presented the merits deportivos sportsmen proposed, as well as those other extremes that, in its case, determines the commission of Evaluation of the Top-level sport.
The proposal for each sportsman should be sent at the end of the competition in which the athlete has achieved the result according to the criteria listed in the annex to the present provision. In any case, the maximum referral of the application will be of six months of the end of the competition.
2. Exceptionally, Spanish sports federations may also propose before the committee of evaluation of top-level sport, through reasoned report, which are described as high-level athletes, those who participate in evidence, modalities or competitions of international significance not covered by Annex of this Royal Decree, as well as those athletes who for objective reasons of nature técnico-deportiva do not comply with the requirements of Annex. the term sheet for these applications will be scheduled in the previous paragraph.
Also exceptionally, Spanish sports federations may propose before the committee of evaluation of the top-level sport, on a single occasion by athlete, the rating as sportsman high-level, those athletes who met the criteria defined in the annex of this Royal Decree, prior to the entry into force of the royal decree 1856 / 1995, of November 17, on top-level sport, and not found athletes from high level after the entry into force of the same.
Article 7. Commission of Evaluation of the Top-level sport.
1. For the effective implementation of this Royal Decree was created within the High Council of sports, the commission of Evaluation of the Top-level sport, which will meet at least once a half, with the functions and composition identified in this rule. 2. Be functions of the evaluation Committee of top-level sport: a) Propose, in its case, the modification of the annex to the present right decreto. b) Qualify as top-level to the sportsman, without meet the criteria under Articles 4 and 5, deserves in response to its trajectory sporting and social relevance, get this self (c) Approve, annually, the exceptional cases of Spanish sports federations, whose international competitions does not correspond to the established in the annex, d) Determining the standard model in which Spanish sports federations have to refer the nominations for the status of high-level sportsman and determine the data that should appear in the mismas. and) Make proposals for sportsmen of high nivel. f) Any others that may be mandated by the secretary of Estado-Presidente of Higher Council of sports with regard to the top-level sport. 3. Are members of the Commission of Evaluation of the Top-level sport the president, the Vowels and the Secretary. 4. Will Play the chair of the committee evaluating the Top-level sport the secretary of Estado-Presidente of Higher Council of sports, which may delegate in one of the representatives of Higher Council of sports in committee.
5. The committee secretariat will be played by a person Higher Council member of sports and appointed by the secretary of the council Estado-Presidente Senior Sports. 6. Members of the evaluation Committee of top-level sport shall be appointed by the steering committee of Higher Council of sports, except holders of general sections of Promotion Sports and Paralympic Sport and high Competition of the body, which shall be ex officio members. In addition to the above, will be members of the commission of evaluation of top-level sport:
to) Three representatives of Higher Council of sports, appointed on the proposal of the president of the Body.
(b) a person of recognized prestige in the area of top-level sport, named on the proposal of the secretary of Estado-Presidente of Higher Council of sports.
(c) two representatives of Spanish sports federations, designated at the proposal of the same, one in representation of team sports and another individual.
d) a representative of the Spanish Olympic Committee, designated itself. 's proposal and) Two representatives of the autonomous communities, on the proposal of the same.
(f) a representative of the Spanish Olympic Committee appointed on the proposal of the same.
(g) two representatives of public universities designated by the secretary of Estado-Presidente of Higher Council of sports, on the proposal of the standing committee of Spanish Committee College Sports.
h) Three high-level athletes, one representing the Olympic sports, another representing Olympic sports and another representing the Paralympic sport, appointed after consultation with the most representative associations of athletes of these settings.
(i) a representative of the association of local entities with greater implantation at the state level, appointed by the secretary of Estado-Presidente of Higher Council of sports at the proposal of the aforementioned Association.
7. The members shall be elected for a period of four years, which may be renewed for a further period. Also, they cause low, prior to the completion of its mandate, in the following cases:
On demand.
On the proposal of the collective that represent.
For revocation of the designation.
For loss of ostentatious status by which were proposed.
8. The commission of Evaluation of the Top-level sport is governed by the title II, chapter II, of Law 30 / 1992 of 26 November, of Legal regime of public administrations and the Common Administrative Procedure.
Article 8. Technical Sub-up.
1. It creates the Technical Sub-up, which shall be composed of the following members of the High Council of sports:
to) the General Director for sports which will act as chairman of the Subcommittee.
(b) The Subdirector General of High Competition as vice-chairman of the subcommittee.
(c) The promotion Subdirector General sports and Paralympic Sport, which will act as vowel.
d) sports Two Technicians Higher Council of sports acting as vowels.
e) an officer of the agency that serve as secretary of the subcommittee.
2. The Technical Sub-up will meet for the convening of its president, or on the initiative of the committee chairman of Evaluation of the Top-level sport. Their agreements shall be made by a simple majority and, in case of a tie, President tindrà vot de qualitat. The Secretary shall record agreements and refer them to commit Evaluation of the Top-level sport.
3. Corresponds to the Technical Sub-up:
to) consider applications of qualification of high-level sportsman filed by Spanish sports federations, bringing those who meet the criteria set forth in the present royal decree for the acquisition of this condition, the committee chairman of evaluation of top-level sport, which render the timely resolution that will be published in « Official Bulletin of the state ’.
(b) Refer to commit evaluation of top-level sport, together with report reasoned, exceptional cases of application of the status of top-level referred to in paragraph 2 of Article 6 of this rule, so that the committee for the corresponding valuation.
(c) to inform the commission of evaluation of the top-level sport for the development of their activities, drafting an annual report.
d) develop proposals resolution on technical issues that the committee assigned.
e) to advise the evaluation Committee of top-level sport in all matters conferred upon him.
Article 9. Measures to promote training and education, and facilitating access to the different types of the educational system, to high-level sportsmen and high performance.
1. Access to university studies. Annually, the Autonomous Communities reserved for those who prove their status of high-level sportsman, and possess academic requirements for a minimum of three percent of places offered by colleges in the circumstances under the Royal Decree 1742 / 2003 of 19 December, which establishes the basic regulation for access to university studies of official character, or regulation to replace it.
The village councils of universities can expand the percentage of places for high-level athletes.
Universities will appreciate the files of these students in accordance with applicable regulations.
Establishments offering studies and lessons in science of physical activity and sport, physiotherapy and master of physical education, an additional quota reserved equivalent to at least five percent of places offered for sportsmen of high level, which will remain until the convening of September, and may be increased a quota.
High-level sportsmen will be exempt from the realization of physical evidence that, in its case, establish a requirement for access to the teachings and studies in science of physical activity and sport.
2. Compulsory Secondary Education. In admission procedures of students, in the public or private centres reached providing compulsory secondary education (THAT), when there is no sufficient places, as a criterion is planned priority consideration of top-level or high performance. The physical education will be possible exemption, upon request, for those athletes who credited the status of high-level sportsman or high performance.
3 .-Compulsory Education.
to) Vocational training. Under the cycles of intermediate and higher, educational Administrations will establish a minimum reserve of five percent of places offered for sportspeople evidencing status of high-level sportsman or high performance and that meet the corresponding academic requirements.
In terms of access to the teachings leading to the titles of vocational training of the family of physical and sports activities, sportsmen who credited the status of top-level high performance or exempt from the realization of the specific part of proof of access that replaces academic requirements.
(b) Baccalaureate. In admission procedures of students, in the public or private centres reached providing Baccalaureate, when there is no sufficient places, as a criterion is planned priority consideration of top-level or high performance.
The physical education may be exempted, upon request, for those athletes who credited consideration of top-level or high performance.
4. Arts Courses. Under the cycles of intermediate and higher, educational Administrations will establish a minimum reserve of five percent of places offered for sportspeople evidencing status of top-level high performance or eligible for academics, and overcome the specific test.
In relation to the teachings higher artistic, educational administrations will establish a minimum reserve of 3 percent of places offered for sportspeople evidencing status of high-level sportsman or high performance, and meet the corresponding academic requirements and overcome the specific test.
5. Sport lessons. In relation to the sport lessons of special regime:
to) Credited skills related to access requirements of specific character, who hold the status of sportsman high level in the format or speciality question.
(b) the royal decree to establish the title and minimum teachings will determine the accreditation of competences related to the requirements of specificity that appropriate giving those athletes with license issued or certified by Spanish sports federations, meet Any of the following conditions:
i. who are qualified athletes as high performance or equivalent by the Autonomous Communities, in accordance with its rules.
ii) that have been selected by the different Spanish sports federations, to represent Spain in official competitions in absolute category, at least in 1 of the last 2 years.
The Government may establish formative correspondence between training modules for the sport lessons and experience esportiva accredited by athletes who hold the status of high-level sportsman or high performance.
The Superior Council of sports, together with the Autonomous Communities and Spanish sports federations, may establish conventions for the creation of a specific training offer of sport lessons for sportspeople evidencing status of high level or high performance.
6. Adult education. The education authorities, according to article 67.1 of the Organic Law 2 / 2006 of 3 May, education, can create an offer learning and higher education adapted to the needs of athletes that evidence status of high-level sportsman or high performance.
7. The quota of reserving places referred to in the preceding paragraphs of this article will remain in the different calls made throughout the year.
8. To enforce the compatibility studies with the preparation or sporting activity of high-level sportsmen or high performance, competent administrations adopt the measures necessary to reconcile his learnings with their responsibilities and sports activities. In addition, universities in its own rules will be present that status in relation to change requests schedules, groups and reviews that match their activities, as well as the occupancy limits set by universities and, in general, the legislation educational.
9. The Higher Council of sports may sign agreements with the Autonomous Communities, universities and private educational institutions, so that high-level sportsmen or high performance can enjoy special conditions in relation to access and stay in the same, respecting, in any case, the planned general academic requirements for access.
10. The Higher Council of sports will launch the necessary measures to enable high-level sportsmen or high performance who is obliged to change their place of residence sports motivated to continue their training in their new place of residence.
11. In order to make compatible studies with the training and assistance to the collective competitions of high-level athletes or high performance, promote the realization of agreements or Agreements with educational authorities responsible for the launch of academic tutoring to support those who have difficulty maintaining normal rhythm of assistance.
12. For its part, the High Council of sports, in collaboration with different actors trainers, promote occupational training programs for high-level sportsmen or high-performance with the purpose of making compatible sports and training, in any of the modalities of training: presencial, mixed and remotely.
Article 10. Action with regard to their incorporation and stay in the labour market.
1. The Higher Council of sports may sign agreements with companies and other entities and institutions, in order to provide high-level sportsmen conditions for their preparation técnico-deportiva compatible with the enjoyment of a job.
2. The Higher Council of sports will promote measures for credit to those who hold or have held the condition sportsman high level.
Article 11. Action with regard to their incorporation and stay in bodies dependent on the General administration of the state, autonomous communities, local corporations and other public institutions.
1. The public administrations, as well as government agencies linked or dependent on the same, considered as merit evaluable have reached the qualification of top-level access through the contest system opposition bodies or scales of government officials or professional categories of personnel labour, related to the sport. In any case, this value will be done respecting the powers that hold the Autonomous Communities and Local Entities in terms of statutory regime of public officials.
Likewise, this rating is considered as merit evaluable in competitions of merit for the provision of jobs related to sporting activity, wherever provided for in the corresponding call the valuation of merit specific.
High-level sportsmen may be exempted from the evidence of physical fitness as provided in the corresponding bases and invitations selective processes.
2. In accordance with article 53.5 of law 10 / 1990, 15 October, sport, invitations of evidence of access to the Security forces of the state and the armed forces considered as merit having achieved in the last five years the status of high-level sportsman, wherever provided for in the same valuation of specific merits. Similarly, for the provision of destinations related to physical and sports activities, and will merit the having held in that period the condition sportsman high level.
3. Since the administration of destination will ease conditions for high-level sportsmen participating in workouts, rallies and competitions related to sports, provided that the needs of the service permit.
4. In order to promote training and practice sports, the sports Higher Council will formalize agreements with formed sports associations within the Security forces of the state.
5. In the area of the state administration will be regarded off the assistance of high-level sportsmen in official competitions of international character, as well as preparatory concentrations.
Article 12. Action with regard to their incorporation and stay in the army.
In accordance with the final disposal 9th of law 17 / 1999 of 18 May, the regime of armed forces personnel, the defence ministry and the Superior Council of sports or competent public administrations may sign conventions of mutual collaboration and support for high-level sportsmen, belonging to the armed forces, in order to promote and practice sports training.
Article 13. Inclusion in Social security.
1. Under Article 53.2.e) of the law of sport and in additional provision three of text of General law of Social security, approved by Royal Legislative Decree 1 / 1994 of 20 June, high-level sportsmen have the right to their inclusion in Social security in the terms laid down in this article.
2. High-level sportsmen, aged 18, who, due to their sporting activity or any other professional activity performed, are not already included in any of the Social security schemes, may request their inclusion in the scope of Special regime of Social security for self-employed or self-employed, lagging affiliated to the system and assimilated into the situation of high, through the signing of a special agreement with the General Treasury of Social security.
3. This convention shall be governed by the command TAS / 2865 / 2003 of 13 October, which regulates the special convention in the Social security system, except for the following features:
to) high-level sportsmen may sign the special convention although previously have not done activity determinant of their inclusion in the scope of Social security, not requiring therefore prior period of quotations.
(b) the subscription request of special agreement must be carried out within ninety calendar days from the following the publication in the ‘ Official Newsletter of the state ’ of the relationship of high-level athletes and their modifications referred to in Article 3.2 of this Royal Decree, and lists including, retrotrayéndose the effects of the application to the day 1 of the month in which it has acquired the status of high-level sportsman.
(c) at the signing of the special convention, the applicant may choose the contribution base among the existing in the special regime of self-employed or self-employed, subject to the general rules applicable to such a regime.
(d) any professional activity or self-employment involving the inclusion of the sportsman of high level in any Social security system shall, without exception, the extinction of the convention.
e) will not cause of extinction of special convention the non-inclusion in successive relations of high-level athletes published in the ‘ Official Bulletin of the state ’, those athletes who had been including previously and have signed the convention.
Article 14. Action on the tax benefits.
1. High-level sportsmen will benefit from the exemption under the letter m) of Article 7 of the law 35 / 2006 of 28 November, of income tax of individuals and partial modification of the laws of corporate taxes on the Income of non-residents and heritage, with the limit and requirements of Article 4 of the rules of income tax of individuals, approved by the Royal Decree 439 / 2007 of 30 March.
2. High-level sportsmen will benefit from the measures contained in the eleventh additional provision of the law 35 / 2006 of 28 November, of income tax of individuals and partial modification of the laws of corporate taxes on the income of non-residents and heritage.
Article 15. Loss of the status of high-level sportsman.
The status of top-level is lost by one of the following:
to) to defeat the deadlines defined in paragraph 1 of Article 16 of this Royal Decree.
(b) for having been punished, as final in administrative proceedings for infringement of doping.
(c) for having been punished, with strong character in administrative channels for any infringements under Article 14 of the Royal Decree 1591 / 1992 of 23 December, on sport.
d) for having failed to comply with the conditions stipulated in article 3.3 of this Royal Decree.
e) to compete officially by a different country in Spain.
Spanish sports federations, if there are defined in situations (b), (c), (d) and (e) of this Article shall immediately inform the committee chairman of evaluation of top-level sport that situation, so that by it stems timely resolution, declaring the loss of the status of high-level sportsman, which will be published in « Official Bulletin of the state ’.
Article 16. Scope and limits of actions.
1. The duration of support measures included in this royal decree will cover a period of five years from the date of publication of the resolution in which describes the sportsman and sportswoman of high level in the ‘ Official Newsletter of the state ’, unless it has been sportsman Olympic medallist Paralympic or, in which case the duration will be seven years. The computation of the period when shall be credited the declaration of temporary incapacity, as provided in Article 128 of the Royal Legislative Decree 1 / 1994 of 20 June, which approves the consolidated text of the General law of Social security.
2. In the cases referred to in paragraphs b) and c) of Article 15, the loss of the status of high-level sportsman and support measures that generate the status, will occur from the moment that rests strong resolution, as final in administrative channels, without prejudice its publication in the ‘ Official Newsletter of the state ’.
Athletes who have lost their status of high level by one of the causes provided in the preceding paragraph may not opt back to this condition, until the full implementation of the penalty that they had been imposed.
3. In the cases referred to in paragraph (d) of Article 15, the loss of the status of high-level sportsman and support measures that generate the status, will occur from the moment establishing the fiscal residence in one of the countries defined in Article 3 (3) of this Royal Decree, without prejudice its publication in the ‘ Official Newsletter of the state ’.
4. In the course referred to in paragraph (e) of Article 15, the loss of the status of high-level sportsman and support measures that generate the status, will take effect from the time the participation of the sportsman in official competition representing a different country in Spain, without prejudice its publication in the ‘ Official Newsletter of the state ’.
Article 17. Support for the sportsman high level.
Within the High Council of sports will create a support service sportsman high level in the Executive Committee of the Interministerial commission of earnings, which will depend on the General Office high Competition and to develop the following functions:
to) Address, supporting and advising high-level sportsmen in relation to the measures laid down in the royal decree.
(b) track and produce the precise proposals regarding the content provided for in the present royal decree, in coordination with the technical Subcommittee Seguimiento. (c) Respond to the proposals related to high-level sportsmen make Spanish sports federations.
d) coordinate with different public institutions and private agencies necessary actions to support for high-level sportsmen.
Additional provision first. Sports not covered by any Federation.
Sportsmen who practise sports specialities not covered by any Spanish sports federation, but integrated into a grouping of state clubs recognized by the Superior Council of sports, can achieve the status of high-level sportsman in the event that meet the requirements of this Royal Decree. In these cases, the powers of presentation and proposal under Article 6 for Spanish sports federations are groupings of state clubs. The commission of Evaluation of the Top-level sport analyse each propositions and increase proposta raonada on each of them.
Second additional provision. Do Not increase in public spending.
The potential costs of the entry into force of this Royal Decree will be taken from the ordinary envelopes departments and agencies involved.
Unique derogation provision. Repeal legislation.
Be abrogated the royal decree 1467 / 1997 of 19 September, and its annexes, modified by the order of 14 April 1998, as well as few provisions of equal or lower rank oppose this royal decree.
Moreover, it is repealed (c) of paragraph 1 of Article 14 of the royal Decreto1742 / 2003 of 19 December, which establishes the basic rules, for access to studies of formalized.
First disposal. Titles authority.
Articles 9, 10, 11, 13 and 14 containing, respectively, under the rules 30th, 7.ª, 18th, 14th and 17th Article 149 of the constitution.
Final disposal second. Empowerment rules.
Authorises the minister of education and science to make few provisions are necessary for the development and implementation of this Royal Decree and, at the proposal of the evaluation Committee of top-level sport, modify the criteria of integration expressed in the annex to the present royal decree, on the advice of the evolution técnico-deportiva.
Final disposal third. Entry into vigor.El present royal decree enters into force on the day following that of its publication in the ‘ Official Newsletter of the state ’.
Given in Madrid, on 13 July 2007.
The Minister of Education and Science,
Integration criteria by federations
Introduction and comments
1. Are regarded as Individual Tests those in which a single sportsman is responsible, through its implementation, development and result in sporting competition.
Are considered as evidence of simultaneous action of up to 4 components, those that constitute an attaché of 2, 3 or 4 athletes that make up a team, running a similar repetitive and action (rowing and canoeing boats of more than one crewmember, proof of persecution by teams in cycling...).
Are considered evidence of combat, for those that involve direct competition, individual against individual, to defend oneself (boxing, judo karate …).
Are regarded as rest of evidence:
to) the amount of effort: those of more than one participant that arise as individual and coordinated execution of several athletes (swimming relay or athletics, etc.) I Team
(b) the simultaneous action of more than 4 components: those that constitute an attaché of more than 4 athletes that make up a team, running a similar repetitive and action (rowing boats over 4 crew, synchronized swimming team, rhythmic gymnastics...) I. Team
(c) evidence of involvement team whose outcome alternative is not the sum of results of the Individual Tests (evidence of fencing team, archery, etc.) I Team
(d) Any evidence of equipment that are not really, but that are the result of join the results of the Individual Tests (e.g. classification by teams in cross.) (II Team.
In the case of this type of evidence [a), (b), (c) and (d)], only will be the subject of this Royal Decree those athletes who finally have participated in the test.
e) Sports groups, those in which two groups of more than 2 athletes compete simultaneously in time, with alternation in possession or domination of a mobile, through technical action tactics of attack and defense (football, handball, basketball, etc.) (II Team.
For this purpose, in sports collectives, are considered members of the team to all athletes officially registered in the record, and if the world championships or Europa are held in several phases, will only be considered members of the team players participating in the Final stage of the championship.
2. The number of participating countries that will take into account, in groups of evidence Olympic not, is the total of the event to value (regardless of gender), not of the various tests. However when in a single event participate different age categories, the number of countries to count is the number of countries participating in the total of evidence of each age category. Similarly when a same event is multideportivo, the number of countries to count is the number of countries participating in each sport.
3. In cases of the world Championships and Europa having phases qualifying for accessing the final phase, the number of countries to consider is the set of stages.
4. In the case of valuation of Global Ranking, apply those produced by the respective International Federations with formal. In the case of tennis will produced by the ranking ATP and WTA, or in his case determines the commission of evaluation of the top-level sport. Also in case of discrepancy in the application of this point, the application will be transferred to such a commission for study and resolution.
5. The Age categories referred to in this Royal Decree are the absolute and categories below the absolute:
Below the absolute: athletes of categories below the absolute – under 23 years until 15 years including – participating in events that correspond to their age.
Infer. In Absolute: athletes below the level Absolute, under 21 years of age and older than 14, participating in events of absolute category. Are not covered by this regulation age categories above or equal to the absolute, different from It (for example, veterans, age groups, etc.)
6. Will not be considered the results of sportsmen, that evidence to compete in tabular format – fights or direct confrontation – have not obtained at least a victory in a combat or party.
7. In general, the evidence contained in the federations of combat, which are not team, considered as proof of combat.
8. In competitions of a single final phase, i.e. the competitions in which has not been stages prior to access this final contest, will not be considered the results of sportsmen, in evidence with less than 4 participants or participating countries. However and according to the above, exemplified by the world championship basketball, featuring a limited number of countries, the number to take into account for the purposes of this Royal Decree is all countries involved in all phases of classification (see point 3).
9. In addition to the criteria included in this annex, by results in World championships and Europa, may be proposed for high-level athletes medallists World championships in Degrees or Universiadas, and the medal winners in games of the Mediterranean. 10. In the case of a federation, after the adoption of this Royal Decree, include in its test program further evidence of different characteristics of existing ones, the inclusion criteria will be the generals for this type of evidence, detailed at the end of this Annex.