FTP Beach Soccer


The playing field is a rectangle of dimensions between the limits that shown below:



(band lines)



(target lines)








The lines of the field are part of the area that delimit. The length of the line of band must be greater than the length of the finish line. See figure

In competitions of under 16 years, feminine equipment, players veterans over 35 years and players with disabilities, are permitted changes to the dimensions of the field.


To facilitate the development, the vision of the game and for safety, available around the playfield a band of security, free of obstacles of 1m-2m wide. In high-level competition sports security band will be 2 m wide. The playing field should be separated from the public areas, if present, and so that does not involve risk of injury for players. See figure


The path of the beach football field will be in accordance with the figure

The brands will consist of elastic tapes, flexible, resilient, without sharp edges, not dangerous for the players, from 8 to 10 cm wide. Will Be blue, so that contrast with the sand. lines will be anchored and tightening in the sand on every corner and in the middle of the line of band through fasteners and anchorages, in the targets will be subject to the poles with rubber rings. The anchor to the field of tapes metal may be protected from corrosion or synthetic and be nailed to a depth of not less than 25 cm. The elements of subjection of lines that are not protected or that can be seen, will be flexible and soft material


In every corner of the game field is placed a pole with a red banner. Will be of plastic, unbreakable, elastic and weather-resistant. The poles will not be blunt. Its height is 1.50 m at least.

At each end of the middle of the countryside will put an emblem of red and at each end of each criminal line will put an emblem yellow. Will Have the same characteristics and height as the described above. Shall be anchored at a distance of 1 m at 1.50 m outside the line of band. See figures


The height between the sports area and the nearest obstacle will be 7 m at least on the field and external gangs, leaving at that altitude entirely free of obstacles.


The longitudinal axis of the track, in the outdoor facilities, should match the N-S geographical direction, with a variation between N-NE and N-NO.


Artificial lighting is uniform and so that does not cause glare players, the arbitral team or the spectators. Mark the standard UNE-EN 12193 “ Illumination of sports facilities ” and will have the following minimum levels of horizontal lighting and maximum glare (GR):




Horizontal illuminance



(Ra) ³


And med

(lux) ³


And min / Emed

International and national competitions





Local and regional competitions, training high level





Training, school sport and recreation





For TV broadcasts and recording movies requires a vertical illuminance levels depending on the speed of action and the size of the object, in the above standard UNE-EN 12193, sports have been classified, in this sense, in three groups A, B and C; football beach is believed that belongs to the group B. The value of the vertical illuminance varies with distance from the camera to the object, for this line see the chart below:

Sockets for TV or movies, spaces around the track of beach soccer must be lit, so that the level of vertical lighting is at least 0.25 the level of lighting vertical track game. For more information should consult the mentioned law.

The installation of artificial lighting will require only in the event of night racing, which will prevent light contamination in their environment and in the night sky for reflection and dissemination of artificial lighting.


Sports surface of game will consist of a layer of fine sand, levelled, flat, horizontally and uniform. The sand may be beach or river, will be rounded grains, without fine to avoid lift dust. Will be well sifted so that do not present thick stones, shells, or any element that can cause cuts or injuries to players.

The thickness of the layer of sand will be at least 40 cm.

The sand that is used as a playing surface, mark the following specifications:

• Washing: The sand must have double wash and be free of fine and clay to prevent compacte.

• size of the grains of sand: Will Be between 0.5 and 1 mm to allow drainage appropriate and maximum security. No more than 5% by weight will be smaller size of 0.5 mm.

• organic matter: Not contain organic matter.

• form of grains of sand: Will Be rounded angulosa not.

• Color: Will be light color, so that absorb less heat but with a minimum reflection.

If there are external curbs delimitation security bands on the game field, these will not edges or Angles towards the playing field and shall be flush with the surface of sand.

Should provide an irrigation network to moisturize the sand in time warm and a drainage network on land little or nothing porous.


The playing field of beach soccer will be equipped with two goals or targets. Are placed in the center of each line of goal. Its measures interiors are 2,20 m high by 6,49 metres wide. Portería consists of the framework, the network and the elements of subjection of the network. The poles of the framework must be firmly fixed to the ground beneath the sand through or other magazines anchoring system. If used goals or targets laptops must have fixed counterweights to ensure stability requirements or be firmly fixed to the floor during the game or training and will not be loose never if they are not under surveillance.

The goals met the rules of the game of Football On The Beach and must be stable and resilient for which will be especially the requirements of resistance and stability that requires the standard UNE-EN 748 “ goals ”. See the figure

In competitions of under 16 years, feminine equipment, players veterans over 35 years and players with disabilities, allow modifications of measures interiors of portería (width and height).


The framework is composed of two poles and the crossbar OR crossbar, built out of the same material non-corrosive or protected from corrosion. Will be section circular or oval, of 10 cm to 20 cm in width and the same substance, with the same width and depth the poles and the crossbar and painted the faces of a color that contrast sharply with the sand of the game field. Available at the bottom, two sidebars 1.50 m long linked by a backslash or plastic coated string with hooking on both ends, will be placed in the ground floor, this toolbar may also be docked into the field to ensure the stability of the frame. See the figure


Mesh panel, may be with threads of natural fibres (hemp, jute) or synthetic (nylon), the diameter of the thread is 2 mm at a minimum, the width of the screen will be a maximum of 12 cm. The network must be subject to the poles and the crossbar, at least, every 20 cm. See figureFTP-3.


The network should be fixed to the poles and crossbar without being tense to prevent the ball that penetrates her to bounce outside and so that you may not pass through it, or by some space between it and markers.

The fasteners of the network to post and crossbar must be designed so that can not harming the players, for it requires openings, if any, do not exceed 5 mm. Would not be open steel hooks.

When using rear brackets for the network these do not sobresaldrán the framework of portería.

The system of subjection will be such that a ball entering portería cannot bounce in the constituent parts of the same.


Leather is spherical or synthetic material, resistant to abrasion, indeformable and waterproof and with the following characteristics:











– 0.6 0.4

* At sea level

In competitions of under 16 years, feminine equipment, players veterans over 35 years and players with disabilities, allow modifications to the size, weight and material of the ball. See Figure FTS-4.

In competitions organised by the or FIFA confederations, the beach football must meet some technical specifications set out in the “ quality program for FIFA balls ”. The balls will have the official logo that indicates that has been controlled officially and meets the technical specifications for each logo, additional to those listed above. There are three official designations:

• “ FIFA APPROVED ” adopted by the FIFA

• “ FIFA ” INSPECTED inspected by the FIFA

• “ IMS INTERNATIONAL MATCHBALL STANDARD ” Ball International Standard (non-licensed)

There are two levels of criteria for the three official designations, the requirements for the category “ INSPECTED FIFA ” or the “ technically identical IMS International Matchball Standard ” and the “ senior FIFA APPROVED ”, with higher levels of test. Below shows the technical requirements:






“ IMS ”



420 - 440 grams

400 - 440 grams

pressure of the ball: average value


– 68.0 70.0 cm

– 68.0 70.0 cm

pressure of the ball: average value


maximum 1.8%

maximum 1.8%

pressure of the ball: average value

(desviacióndelvalor means measured)

Pressure loss

maximum 20%

maximum 25%

pressure of the ball: average value at the beginning of the test

maximum loss of air after 72 hours


100 - 150 cm

100 - 150 cm

pressure of the ball: value medio.Cada ball one tosses 10 times from a height of 2 m on a steel plate

Absorption of water

maximum 10%

maximum 15%

pressure of the ball: value medio.Tanque with water depth 2 cm, 250 compressions with constant rotation of the ball, maximum deformation of the ball 10%

Proof of retention of shapes and sizes including pressure change:

Increase in the circumference

Deviation from the esfericidad

Pressure change

Measured after 1,000 shots, seams and air valve without damage

maximum 1.5 cm

maximum 1.8%

maximum 0.1 bar

pressure of the ball: average value. Shot on steel sheet to 50 km / h

approximately shooting distance: 2,50 m

Pressure of the ball: average value of the pressure indicated between least 0.375 - 0.8 bars

The evidence is performed at room temperature (approx. 20 ° C) and with a 65% moisture.


When there is a risk of impacts on viewers or people in the proximity of the football field beach, networks will be placed behind the lines of portería, to stop the balls. The networks will mesh width equal to at least the network of goals, they will be suspended throughout the width of the pitch, will have a height of 6 m at least, from reaching the soil and will not be suspended ceilings to avoid rebounds.


The marker will be placed in a situation of perfect visibility for the mathematical table, for players and the public. The bookmark and chronometer indicate the game time and also will score goals valid according to originate.

In national competitions will be available at least a bookmark and electronic chronometer, so that it can be operated since the mathematical table. Will be placed at a height and in a position that can be seen correctly by players and spectators. Available electronic timekeeping showing the time played, goals, cumulative mistakes and periods of game.

In competitions of the Real Spanish football Federation will be a bookmark electrónico reflecting: period and game time, rating, number of cumulative mistakes of each team, audible signal to interruptions of the game and notices, which has the rigor and should be visible to all participants, with unemployment partial and continued, situated so visible from the mathematical table.


In sports facilities where you go to hold national competitions high-level, the sport installation will require installation of loudspeakers.

The public address system must be designed to make automatically warnings in case of emergency, both athletes and spectators.



Outside the band of security, there will be on one side of the track a space for the panel of arbitrators, with a width at least 1.00 m and recommended 1.50 m.

Two zones will be disposed to bench players (technical Area), at a distance of at least 2.50 m from the mid line, see figureFTP-1. Will Have sufficient space for players and coaches reserves, with a length at least 6 m.

In sporting competitions of high level, areas for panel of arbitrators and bench players will have a horizontal platform for firm basis of these areas.

In sporting competitions of high level, there will be an assistant Area around the track and gangs of security, outside these bands, with a minimum size of 2 m, this space is reserved for perimeter mathematical, technical area, advertising, cameras, photographers, medical care, external security, etc.


When necessary, you can take as reference auxiliary spaces for athletes and arbitrators shown in the standard NIDE Fts-fútbol Room.

In temporary facilities enable changing booths, showers and toilets and close to the beach football field.


In official competitions available in the vicinity of the beach football field, so that the access to it from the track is easy and possible, if necessary, the rugged rapid evacuation, injured or sick. Will the team of medical equipment necessary for first aid and should be available for sportsmen and the public, if there is no other for the public.


In official competitions when necessary, shall be control area of doping indicated in the standard NIDE Fts-fútbol Room.


When deemed necessary can be taken as a reference unique auxiliary spaces shown in the standard NIDE Fts-fútbol Room.


Temporary spaces for viewers will see sports competitions that take place. When they are constituted by demountable temporary stands, will meet the requirements of the current regulations that apply them, so they meet the standards UNE-EN 13200-6 Facilities for spectators. Part 6: Bleachers (temporary) and removable UNE-EN 13200-1 Facilities for spectators. Part 1: general design Criteria, as follows:

• demountable temporary the stands will be foreseen for spectators seated.

• regarding the correct visibility of stands by viewers will mark the recommendations regarding the lines of vision of UNE-EN 13200-1 Facilities for spectators. Part 1: general design Criteria, as shown in the standard NIDE SP-Salas and Flags (Facilities for spectators and the corresponding figures.

• the carrying structure of the forces stands supports static and dynamic produced by viewers, as well as other actions predictable as weight own, wind, etc Will be designed so that has sufficient stability and resistance against those actions. Below shows the overloads of use for consideration:

• uniform Burdens fixed seating areas: 4.0 kN / m2

• uniform Burdens agglomeration areas: 5.0 kN / m2

• concentrated loads of 1kN spaced according to a grid of 0.5 x 0.5 m, area of application 0.2 x 0.2 m.

• theoretical horizontal Burden by movements of spectators of at least 6% of the burden vertical. This burden must be added the wind and the possible seismic action.

• Coefficient security partial overloads use: 1.50.

• arrow horizontal elements not more than 1 / 200.

• horizontal Displacement not greater than 1 / 250.

• Vibrations by effect of rhythmic movement of people, will be greater 3.4 Hz.

• the stands demountable temporary available throughout its perimeter of protective barriers for security against the risk of falls, with a minimum height of 1,00 m and 1.10 m for irrigation falls in height greater than or equal to 6 m. The barriers or handrails that may interfere lines of vision can have a height 0.90 m but the difference in height of the risk of fall will be less than 6 m. The barriers to staggered corridors or ladders or located in evacuation routes which produces change of direction of viewers will have a minimum height of 1.10 m. The barriers protecting will not be easily scaleable for what will not have horizontal elements that can serve as a support points and have no risk of trapping, so that the openings at the same will miss no a field of 10 cm in diameter. The barriers should resist actions of horizontal forces uniformly distributed whose value is not less than 3.0 kN / m.

• entry channels, distribution and exit of spectators in the removable temporary stands, such as steps, corridors, corridors staggered, etc. will ensure an entry and exit comfortable and safe even in case of emergency. The evacuation of time stands for the viewers to reach a secure site will be a maximum of 8 minutes.

• the steps or corridors between rows of seats that take exit by the two extremes, horizontal and will have a minimum width 0.35 m until 18 seats and 1.25 cm more for each additional seat for 30 seats or more the width will be greater or equal 0.45 m. The No maximum of seats in rows with exits by the two extremes will be 40.

• the steps or corridors between rows of seats only take exit by an end, horizontal and will have a minimum width 0.35 m until 9 seats and 2.50 cm more for each additional seat with a maximum of 12 seats.

• each seat will have a minimum width 0.45 m if they have no armrests and 0.50 m with armrests, when there are no individual seats each square has a width of 0.50 m, the height of the seat will be 0.45 cm on the horizontal shelf support of the feet and the bottom of the seat will be 0.35 m at least.

• the corridors staggered access to the towns of ladders and stands will have steps with constant dimension contrahuella which shall be no more than 0.20 m, give level access to the ranks of spectators and will have a minimum width of 1,20 m. The ladder without tabica will blunt edges.

• openings exist anywhere in the stands will be such that will not pass a field of 10 cm in diameter.

• temporary toilets will be sufficient agree with the No spectators expected, which will existing health standards. In the absence of specific regulations will be taken as a reference for the No toilets to anticipate the standard NIDE SP-Salas and Flags.

The spaces for viewers consisting of permanent stands taken into consideration what indicated in the same paragraph of the standard NIDE Fts-fútbol Room.


Sporting facilities for football beach is designed and constructed so that are accessible to people with disabilities in a non-discriminatory, independent and safe. Have an exterior pathway accessible to the installation and itineraries accessible to the track, the auxiliary sports areas and spaces for spectators in the event that exist. These spaces are equally accessible. The itineraries are not available with pavements loose materials (sand, gravel, etc.), pavements of itineraries and accessible areas will be tough and stable without individual elements, without together or resaltos of more than 4 mm, nor drilling holes or over 1.5 cm.


- Game rules 2008 Beach Soccer, FIFA.

- Quality program for FIFA balls.

- Football stadiums technical recommendations and requirements. 11 and football Fútsal beach. 5th edition 2011.

- Rules “ UNE-EN Lighting of sports facilities ”

- Rules UNE-EN “ Facilities for spectators in sports facilities ”

- Rules UNE “ accessibility ”