Hockey SMALL


The present Regulatory Norm applies to all those fields which are conducted wholly or partly funded by the High Council of sports to practice and hockey where they celebrate competitions of the Spanish Federation Real skating rink (RFEP). it's jurisdiction of such sports federation the approval of each installation for the organisation of official competitions of hockey. This document has been produced with the purpose of normalizing regulatory aspects of any facility Useful for the practice of this sport, which have been taken into account existing international regulations and has been subjected to consultation of the Real Spanish Federation skating rink (RFEP).


The playing field is a rectangle where the length must be double the width and whose dimensions must be between the limits that shown below:

DIMENSIONS OF THE FIELD Length (m) Width (m)










In official competitions of the Spanish Federation of Skating (F.E.P.) authorized the minimum size of the game field are 40 m x 20 m.

In new construction slopes are not permitted minimum dimensions of the game field below 40 m x 20 m.

The four corners of the game field will have a semicircular shape built with a radius of 1 m and centre in the interior of the track. See figures


Around the game field will be a fence and a zocalo around its perimeter, supported by vertical profiles fixed to the ground in a solid and resilient. The perimeter fence can be fixed or removable. The height of the fence is 1 m and the zócalo placed at the bottom will have a height of 0.20 m and a thickness of 2 cm, with neutral color different and contrasted with the ball. The fence will not submit outgoing elements into the interior of the track and their holes or openings will be under the age of 8 mm or more than 25 mm and below 50 mm vertical Elements mounts or the perimeter fence will be placed into the reverse of the playing surface, and set the soil so strong and resilient metal Will stainless metal or protected against corrosion through hot galvanised, in cold OR with layers of paint protection. The elements between supports the fence will be wooden boards, metal grid, sheet metal perforated or synthetic panels. Be resistant to the impact of the ball and the stick or stick. The upper part of the perimeter fence will have a continuous handrail with rounded edges with a radius of minimum 3 ± 1 mm. The zócalo will be continuous, wooden or synthetic impact resistant and humidity.

The perimeter fence can also be composed of plastic panels continuous white, with the surface which gives the track plain and no gaps or irregularities, unions between the elements or panels forming the perimeter fence will not fail holes over 3 mm.

Will be disposed of in the perimeter fence preferably two doors of access to the track and at least one, along the banks of equipment and on both sides of the table that opened out of the same, without invade it. Space or gap between the door and the fence should be a maximum of 5 mm.


Like the track is desirable a space of passage of a anchurano below 1 m.

Public areas will be at least 1 m of the fence around the track.

To protect the public areas around the track and / or public areas will install a network of protection, fixed or mobile, with height of not less than 4 m from the surface of the track, throughout the width of the areas of at least fund.


The route of the field will be consistent with figures

The brands have 8 cm in width and will be all the same color, different from the surface of the track. The line between the goalposts will have a different color to the ball game.

The existence of other brands in the track is permitted only if they do not harm the correct visibility of the brands of the field of hockey. In international competitions of the FIRS of national teams are not admitted more marks the hockey.


Shall be 5 m at least on the field and external gangs. However it is recommended 7 m tall free.


The longitudinal axis of the field in outdoor facilities will be N-S admit a variation between N-NE and N-NO.

Playgrounds where official competitions are held in the Spanish Federation skating rink will not be outdoors.


Artificial lighting is uniform and so that does not hinder the vision of the players, arbitral equipment or spectators.

Will have the following minimum levels of horizontal lighting and colour rendition, according to the criteria of the standard UNE-EN 12193 “ sports facilities lighting ” shown below:

COMPETICIÓN LEVEL Horizontal illuminance Colore Rend (Ra)
And med (lux) Uniformity

And min / E med
International and national competitions 750 0.7 80
Regional competitions, training high level 500 0.7 60
Local competitions, training, use in schools and recreational 300 0.7 60

In competitions of the league male and female 1ª national division of the Real Spanish Federation skating rink requires a minimum level of 800 lux.

The illumination must achieve a good chromatic rendering index, for which its performance of color must be Ra ≥ 60, however it is recommended that is equal to or greater than 80. Likewise color temperature must be between 4000º K and 6500ºk.

In outward tracks with the following minimum levels of lighting and maximum glare (GR) shown in this rule:

COMPETICIÓN LEVEL Horizontal illuminance Colore Rend (Ra) GR
And med (lux) Uniformity

And min / E med
Training, school sport and recreation 200 0.7 60 55

For TV broadcasts of color and recording movies requires a vertical illuminance levels depending on the speed of action and the size of the object, in the above standard UNE-EN 12193, sports have been classified, in this sense, in three groups A, B and C; but not shown in the standard hockey skates, considering the speed of action and the size of the ball, it is considered that belongs to the group V. The value of the vertical illuminance varies with distance from the camera to the object, for this line see the chart below:

Image removed.

Vertical lighting level to maintain depending on the maximum distance of stone chambers (UNE-EN12193)


Will have a surface resistant to abrasion, impact resistant flat and smooth allowing a good adherence and capacity of sliding skate wheels, pavements excessively sliders slippery or are not appropriate.

Are fit the tiles, wooden polished asphalt, concrete fratasado, semipulido or polished with hardened surface, synthetic resins over concrete or asphalt, and synthetic linoleum flooring.

If the pavement is continuous and not exist together, will be sealed, will have no height difference in their edges and its width will be less than 0.5 mm.

In covered facilities levelling the pavement will be such that there will be a gap greater than 5 mm between two points on opposite ends of their perimeter.

The pavement sporty mark the following requirements under UNE 41958 IN “ sports Pavements ”:


Planeidad “ in situ ”

(UNE-EN 13036-7)
Differences in levels below 3 mm measured with rule of 3 m (1 / 1000)
Resistance to impacts

(UNE-EN 1517)
Without fissures, cracks or deformations visible (impacts of 8 Nm)

Residual footprint ≤ 0.5 mm (wooden surfaces)
Resistance to mark remnant

(UNE-EN 1516)
Without fissures, cracks or deformations over 0.5 mm to 24 h. for testing
Resistance to abrasion

(ISO UNE-EN 5470-1)
Synthetic surfaces Maximum loss of weight: 1000 mg

(1000 cycles, wheels H-18, loading 1.0 kg)
Coatings and lacquers Maximum loss of weight: 80 mg

(1000 cycles, wheels CS-10, loading 0.5 kg)

For external tracks in addition to the previous mark the following requirements:

Awaiting evacuation Maximum Transversal and 1%
Resistance to traction (synthetic) ≥ 400 KPa
Elongation of breakage (synthetic) ≥ 40%


The game field of hockey will be equipped with two goals that are placed in the line of portería in the centre of this line, coinciding its central axis with the longitudinal imaginary axis of the track. Its measures interiors are 1.05 m high x 1,70 m long

Mark the rules of the Spanish Federation Real skating rink.

Portería consists of context or structure front, rear structure lower upper rear structure, external network and internal network.


The framework is composed of two poles or crossbar and a bar, formed by hollow tubes of circular section of 7.5 cm in diameter, galvanised steel united by welding. Will Be painted orange. The upper field corners will be cut to 45º regarding the horizontal and vertical.


Consists of an arc of outer radius 1.10 m formed by hollow tube of circular section of 5 cm in diameter, galvanised steel joined the framework for welding. 25 cm from the level of the poles and parallel to this alignment is placed a bar inside of 12 cm inclined towards the framework with an angle of twentieth on the ground. Will Be painted all white.


Created by a rectangle and a semiarco round consisting of steel massif 15 mm diameter, plus a horizontal bar welded to the point of union between the rectangle and semiarco, parallel to the crossbar to 40 cm from the front level of the frame and more a horizontal bar perpendicular to the framework and welded to semiarco in its central part. Will Be painted the entire rear structure upper white.


Mesh panel, subject to the framework and the lower back structure and covering the entire house so that does not allow the entry of the ball away in or vice versa. Can be with threads of natural fibres (cotton) or synthetic (nylon), the width of the screen will be 2.5 cm x 2.5 cm. Its color is white.


Of square mesh and dimensions 1.80 m wide and 1.10 m long, subject and pending inside the goal from the rear upper structure and subject to the horizontal bar to 40 cm from the framework. Can be with threads of natural fibres (cotton) or synthetic (nylon), the width of the screen will be 2.5 cm x 2.5 cm. Its color is white.


Spherical will, rubber or plastic material pressed, of a single colour, preferably black or orange, its color to be contrasted with the color of the pavement of the track, the color of the lines of brands and the color of the zocalo perimetral. you have a circle of 23 cm and a weight of 155 g.


The stick or “ stick ” consists of a mango straight and a head or curved blade, the shovel will have two sides flat. It Will Be of wood, plastic or other material, are not admissible metallic or metal components. You can add tape adhesive advertising from the top of the zone curve. Its maximum length will be 115 cm and the minimum is 90 cm. The size will be such that may go through a hoop or ring of 5 cm in diameter interior. The total weight shall be no more than 500 g. Mark the rules of the Spanish Federation Real skating rink.


The skates will be set to the boots, with four wheels by skate, diameter less than 3 cm to rotate freely, still put two to two in two transversal axis, it is not permissible wheels online. You can use brakes placed in the front end of the skate or boots, so that their placement does not present danger to the rest of players. If the brakes are circular its diameter shall not exceed 5 cm and if you have any other form its greater size shall not exceed 5 cm protections Are not allowed on metal boots while they are covered by other material, nor are allowed to use additional protection between the front and rear wheels.

The doormen can use skates with smaller wheels from the rest of players to improve its stability in the defence of portería.

The skates they meet the standards of the Spanish Federation Real skating rink.


The doormen will have the following specific protection teams to perform the rules of the Spanish Federation Real skating rink:

- Helmet and visor or mask of comprehensive protection of the head, rigid plastics or other materials, whether consists of metal parts should be coated with elastic materials (rubber, leather, plastic) not to cause risks to other players.

Wahoo - for protection of the chest, which will include pads and protection of the arms and placed under the t-shirt. The thickness shall be no more than 1.5 cm. Moreover it admits protection for the neck, adjusted to the neck with a maximum height of 5 cm. and protection elastic d or for the thighs, adjusted to the thigh, with thickness shall be no more than 0.5 cm.

- Gloves to protect your hands, the wrist and part of the forearms, made of leather, canvas or flexible plastic materials, one of them being flexible and articulated in a manner that allows the doorman lash and manipulate the stick or “ stick. ” Will have the following dimensions: Maximum height 40 cm; Maximum width open with the thumb 25 cm; Maximum width of glove with your fingers open 20 cm; maximum Thickness glove 5 cm.

- Shin for protection of the legs and feet and organised by one or two parts and subject to the legs and feet manufactured by leather straps, canvas or plastic materials flexible.

These teams of protection mark in addition to the general requirements applicable to all personal protective equipment, the specific requirements of protection against mechanical blows and wounds, in accordance with Directive 89 / 686 / CEE or, in their case, the regulation (HAT) 2016 / 425 concerning the personal protective equipment. Likewise to be used will have the declaration of conformity with the essential requirements of the directive or regulation cited.


The players and the doormen can use as a protective equipment metal not placed directly on the body and adjusted to this, the following:

Padded gloves with maximum thickness of 2.5 cm long since the line of the wrist the forearm no more than 10 cm. The gloves will have the fingers completely separated.

Padded knees with maximum thickness 2.5 cm.

Protective shin wrapped around his legs and placed under stockings, maximum thickness of 5 cm.

Die for protection of genitals.

Padded elbow.

Lightest helmet head, leather or plastic rigid not

These teams of protection mark in addition to the general requirements applicable to all personal protective equipment, the specific requirements of protection against mechanical blows and wounds, in accordance with Directive 89 / 686 / CEE or, in their case, the regulation (HAT) 2016 / 425 concerning the personal protective equipment. Likewise to be used will have the declaration of conformity with the essential requirements of the directive or regulation cited.


Networks will be placed behind the funds of the track, outside of the band foreign security, to stop the balls, networks have a mesh width of a maximum of 5 cm x 5 cm, will be black, will be suspended throughout the width of the game field and bands of security and will have a minimum height of 4 m, will arrive until the soil and will not be suspended ceilings to avoid rebounds.



Reserves a space called official Area for formal table game, which will be placed outside the track off the half-line track, which will have a capacity for two people (and Assistant Referee cronometrador) and for at least five people, as a minimum, in national and international competitions. The official Area will have dimensions of 2 m minimum width in national competitions and 3.50m of minimum width in international competitions, see figure

In sporting competitions at the national level, the panel of cronometradores will have a minimum length of 1.50 m and will be arranged well for the electronic tracking of encounters (telephone line, electric sockets, internet connection and transmission of data). Available for safety of protections transparent in competitions where spectators next to it.


Two spaces will be reserved called areas of equipment for banks to players alternates, technical etc, which will be placed on both sides of the formal table game and have at least capacity for 12 people each. Each area of team will have dimensions of 2 m minimum width in national competitions and 3.50m of minimum width in international competitions, see Figure HCP-1. The banks of players must have, for safety, protections transparent in competitions where viewers have behind them.


In sports facilities where you go to hold competitions sporting high-level will be available for security reasons, an assistant Area around the playfield abroad of lateral fences, consisting of a perimeter space for cameras, photographers, advertising, medical care, external safety zone, etc., with a minimum size of 2 m and in areas of banks of players and formal table 3.50m game, as protected area. The protected area (playing track, formal table, banks of players and exterior perimetral space) will not be accessible or step for spectators. See figure


The marker will be placed in a situation of perfect visibility for referees, players and public. The bookmark indicate the names of the teams and reflect the many.

In national competitions, the score will be electronic form that can be operated from the formal table. Available electronic timekeeping showing the time played, goals, periods of game and the faults of equipment. The basis of misconduct marker will team up to the top of the fence to that is clearly visible by players and referees the match.


In sports facilities where you go to hold national competitions high-level, the sport installation will require installation of loudspeakers. Installing a loudspeaker should allow individually controlling the sound system in areas where there are representatives of the media and commentators.

The public address system must be designed to make automatically warnings in case of emergency, both athletes and spectators.


In sports facilities where you go to hold national competitions high-level, the sport installation will require installation of closed-circuit television in color, as required by the authorities of prevention of violence in sport, however it is advisable to anticipate your installation.

The installation of CCTV cameras available fixed and mobile that control the interior and the exterior (stands, accesses, etc.), supply of electricity and itself will be handled from the control room organisational installation.


In sports facilities where you go to hold national competitions high level, as required by the authorities of prevention of violence in sport, due to the importance of the competition, the number of attendees, security of the same and the mode of its development, there will be a control room from which you have an overview of the installation (track, stands, etc.), the control unit available organisational, as a minimum, closed-circuit TV, sound and radio links and telecommunication, as well as the other means necessary to control the compound.



Will be disposed of at least two independent dressing rooms, one for each team. The dressing rooms have zone of linen change with banks and hangers, showers area with space for drying and toilet area with cabins of toilets and sinks.

The characteristics of these spaces are detailed in the standard NIDE “ halls and Flags ”.

The dressing rooms are located as close as possible to the game, on the side of the area of banks and with direct access to the same without crossing public area. The dressing rooms have a minimum free height of 2.50 m and shall be composed by areas with the following characteristics:

• area of linen change players, for approximately 15-20 persons, equipped with banks, or cupboards hangers cloakroom, stretcher to massage and blackboard. Minimum area of 35 m2.

• area of showers, given food and waterproof, with 6 showers at least and recommended 10 showers.

• area of toilets (minimum 2), urinary (minimum 2) and toilets with mirrors and hairdryers.

In competitions of the league male and female 1ª national division of the Real Spanish Federation skating rink requires a minimum capacity for 16 persons.

For security reasons may be necessary the installation of a protective tunnel regarding the possible stands, which may be extensible since the track until the entry to the changing rooms. In competitions of the league male and female 1ª national division of the Real Spanish Federation skating rink requires the existence of a tunnel protection of players.


A costume will be available for Árbitrosin addition to that provision should be made, which may be used, when there are no competition, as costumes of coaches, monitors or teachers. ElAll changing rooms shall be fitted with showers and toilets. costumes area will change with banks and clothes hangers, showers area with space for drying and area with toilets flushing and cabins washbasins. In the same costumes or annex to it will have an area for drafting of records, reports, etc. with the appropriate furnishings. Likewise the characteristics of these spaces are detailed in the standard NIDE “ Halls and Flags ”.

In competitions of the league male and female 1ª national division of the Real Spanish Federation skating rink requires that the clothing for Referees have a minimum capacity for 3 people.


Available so that the access to it from the track is easy and will have a quick departure abroad for evacuation of rugged, injured or sick. Will be equipped with a table for exploration, stretcher table desk, armchair, wardrobe kit, team hanger and medical equipment essential for first aid. The first-aid room must be available for both athletes and to the public if there is no specific to the public. Likewise the characteristics of these spaces are detailed in the standard NIDE “ Halls and Flags ”.

Pursuant to Article 11 (second of the rules of police Amusement (R.D. 2816 / 1982), nursing may be replaced by botiquà and the presence of ambulances, ready to fulfil its mission in case of need.


In official competitions will be the area of doping control, which will have a

exclusive use for this purpose. Must meet the requirements that sets the command PRE / 1832 / 2011, 29 June, which regulates the area of control of doping, material for sampling and protocol handling and transporting blood samples and will have the following spaces:

• a waiting room with chairs and fridge for non-alcoholic beverages or other substances that might give adverse result, as well as container / s for collection of the packaging of drinks.

• A contiguous work room to the waiting room and communicated directly with it with table, chairs and a fridge with key to save the samples until his transfer.

• room of sampling of urine contiguous to the working room (in case of competitions for men and women is recommendable two) with toilet, sink and mirror.

• extraction room of blood as additional room adjacent to the room for work or as a space included in the room of work. If additional room fridge will be locked to save the samples until his transfer.


There will be a warehouse of sports equipment, of sufficient size to save sports equipment of hockey may be closed and locked. Will have easy access or directly to the sports court, it will meet the requirements of the standard NIDE “ Halls and Flags ”.



It is recommended to have spaces for those responsible for the management of sports facility for hockey. Its size will agree with the size of the sport installation that it serves, however it is recommended that each area has a space of not less than 20 square meters. It will meet the requirements of the standard NIDE “ Halls and Flags ”.

National competitions for high-level is recommended to have an office or room for the installation of the office of organization of the championship.


The staff locker will be a size according to the number of people involved in the preparation of the game, cleaning, maintenance of technical facilities, etc. These changing rooms will be separated from the Area of changing rooms of sportsmen and Arbitrators.


In large sports facilities where you go to hold relevant sports competitions, there will be a reception area and stay of authorities and personalities, that you are near to the rostrum of authorities.


In large sports facilities where you develop marquee sporting events, it is recommended to have spaces for the representatives of the media and installations require, such spaces are separated from areas of spectators and with independent access.

For high-level competition, likewise, it is recommended that the sports facility available differentiated entry for media with reception area and has the following spaces:

• Galleries for the press separated from the spectators, with seating equipped with desk, telephone line, electric sockets, internet connection and transmission of data, printer, etc.

• cabins for commentators radio and TV with space 3 m x 3 m each, with possible opening window at the front of the cabins, with good visibility and unhindered playing track, electrical sockets, internet connection, printer, etc.

• spaces for TV cameras, around the track of game and in high positions, planning must be coordinated with competent experts means of TV.

• work rooms of media, get lock with key and will be equipped with sufficient mains electricity, telephone connections and Internet and equipped with office furniture (tables, chairs, etc.).

• press conference room, equipped with microphones and public address system, electrical outlets and furniture enough for a minimum number of 50 people.

• mixed area allow representatives of the media speak and / or interviewing players, on the track or in the path of the track to the dressing rooms and / or from the changing rooms and exit from the installation. This area should be separate and not be accessible to viewers and controlled access and will be different from those athletes.

• it is recommended to have a reserved parking area for media, direct entrance and differentiated inside the sport installation and an equally gallery reserved, as well as a lounge with catering facilities for their use.


The spaces for viewers will see sports competitions that take place and have the necessary auxiliary spaces such as: lobby / s access with area and posters of information, access control, lockers, bar – cafeteria, bathrooms, cloakroom, etc. The spaces for spectators were designed and constructed so that are accessible to people with disabilities in a non-discriminatory, independent and safe places will be reserved for Disabled Guests (1 for wheel chairs for every 100 seats or fraction) and comply with national regulations, regional and local to the effect. The spaces for spectators would meet the requirements of Building standards (CTÉ) and other relevant regulations, especially public spectacles, accessibility and fires. Furthermore these spaces would meet the requirements of the standard NIDE “ Halls and Flags ”.

The No viewers anticipate depends on the level and the character of the sporting event. For the celebration of sporting events of national character is necessary to provide a No minimum of 250 squares of spectators.

In national competitions and high level sports, there will be a tribune of authorities and personalities, which is in a central position stands near the playing field and next to the reception area and stay of authorities and personalities. The gallery should not be accessible to the rest of the public. Will Have a capacity for at least 20 people.

Sporting facilities where they are to perform sports competitions of high level must have independent access to players and referees different from those of public, so that those cannot enter physical contact with the public.


The sports facilities for hockey are designed and constructed so that are accessible to disabled, in a non-discriminatory, independent and safely.

Have an exterior pathway accessible to the installation and itineraries accessible to the main runway, auxiliary sporting spaces, (Changing Rooms, nursing, toilets, etc.) and spaces for spectators.

These sports areas, assistants and will be accessible for viewers, mark the accessibility criteria listed in the standard NIDE “ halls and Flags ” as well as national regulations, regional and local. It is recommended that meet the requirements of standards UNE of “ accessibility ”.


- Technical regulation of Hockey Royal Spanish Federation of Skating.

- Databases hockey competition 2016-2017 Royal Spanish Federation of Skating.

- Technical regulation of Hockey 2011. FIRS (Fédération Internationale de Roller Sports).

- Rules UNE-EN “ surfaces and sports installations, ”

- Rules “ UNE-EN Lighting of sports facilities ”

- Rules UNE-EN “ Facilities for spectators in sports facilities ”

- Rules UNE “ accessibility ”